Chapter 10 Let the Battle Begin

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Avi's POV

Yesterday was probably one of the worst days ever, but the band was there for me. We stayed in during canteen and just hung out. We keep on getting closer as the days go by. I feel as if I could tell them anything and they will always be there for me when I need it. I was thinking about how close we are as a group in the past week and stuff like that when Kevin interrupted my thoughts with a very important question.
"What's our band name?" He asked.
We all sat there clueless.
"Well... you know the pentatonic scale? It's a five note scale and there is five of us, but we should use an 'x' instead of a 'c' because that would be pretty cool" Scott suggested
"I really like that!" Mitch piped up
"Me too" Kirstie added
"That does sound cool" Kevin agreed
"I like it" I said
"We have our name!" Scott announced.
We cheered.
"I think we need to celebrate" Kirstie said " let's go to canteen to celebrate"
Before I knew it, we were all celebrating at canteen and having the best time ever. I couldn't be happier to have friends like these, especially when I need them the most.

Kirstie's POV

We went to canteen to celebrate our amazing band  name but I  couldn't help but leave the group to go find Jeremy.
"Hey! Look who decided to show up" he joked
I rolled my eyes "I wasn't going to come. Avi, from my bunk, his grandfather died I I didn't want to leave him. My entire bunk was going to stay in"
"So what happened?"
"We came up with a band name and wanted to celebrate"
"Cool! What's the band name?"
"I don't get it"
"The pentatonic scale, five notes, five of us"
"Ah. Cool. Shouldn't you be with them?"
"Yeah but I wanted to be with you"
"Because like you, a lot, and theater doesn't help, I mean I'm Jasmine and you're Aladdin, and aren't we going to have to kiss? I don't want it to be awkward and I don't know I just enjoy your company and-" he kissed me and I couldn't be happier. Once we pulled away we were both smiling. I was the first to speak.
"Wow. I loved that thank you"
"You're very welcome. I loved that too"
"Does this mean you are my boyfriend now?"
"Well do you want me to be?"
"Then I am. Now go be with your band and celebrate don't leave them behind"
"But who will you hang out with?"
"I'll be fine"
"Come with me, celebrate with us" and with that I grabbed his arm and pulled him over to my bunk and we celebrated and had an amazing night I couldn't be happier.

Kevin's POV

I noticed Kirstie wander off and decided to follow her. I watched her talk to some guy. I don't know who he is but she seemed very happy. I noticed that she was talking and from the looks of it rambling. I couldn't hear her but it seemed like it, especially when he kissed her. They talked for a little and then she grabbed his arm and started pulling him. I went back to the band before they got there.
"Where'd you go?" I questioned her a little after she came back.
"Oh no where important. I'll tell you later" and with that she vanished and was somewhere else for the rest of the night. I decided to hang with the rest of the band and celebrate with them.

Scott's POV

Reveille blew loud and clear to wake us up and start the new day. I'm normally sluggish in the morning and don't really want to get up and stay in bed until Esther pulls my blanket off of me, but today I sat straight up when reveille blew. It was the day of battle of the bands and it is going to be crazy. There are 10 bands, including us and the heads of camp did a great job organizing this. It will be in the camp's amphitheater, five bands in the morning, and five in the afternoon, we will have lunch in between, then after dinner the judges will have each weeks results. We were in the afternoon.

As I was walking to breakfast Mitch ran up to me with a terrified look in his eyes.
"What's wrong?" I asked the scared boy
"T-t-Travis" was all he could say
"Mitch I don't understand please explain."
"He is the only person at my school that knows that I'm uh..." he looked even more nervous and it hurt me to see him so upset.
"Mitch, you can tell me anything as long as you're comfortable" I said looking into his beautiful brown eyes.
"I'm gay" he looked so relieved to tell me that
"I am too. Now tell me more about this Travis guy"
"He is the only person at my school that knows and he has bullied me ever since we broke up"
"What do you mean, you dated him?"
"Yes, and he has always threatened me that he would either tell everyone I was gay or he would threaten to hurt me" tears were now streaming down the small boys face. I hugged him.
"Don't worry Mitchie, I'll protect you from him"
"Mitchie?" He questioned
I nodded in response
"He is also participating in battle of the bands, I'm worried he will hurt me and blame me if his band loses"
"Mitch, I will protect you, I promise"
He smiled at me. I could see him relax and he looked so happy and like he felt very safe. We were standing by the giant tree right outside the dinning hall and he looked into my blue eyes and did the unthinkable. He kissed me.

Mitch's POV

Did I just do that? I questioned myself as I pulled away from Scott. We were both smiling which I guess was a good sign.
"I love you too, Scott Hoying" I said before walking into the dinning hall to get breakfast.
"You read my journal!" Scott exclaimed after realizing what I had said
"Yeah, but if I didn't do you think that would've just happened?"
"No, I would be to scared to"
"Are you happy I did?"
"I'm not saying that I'm not, but I'm not saying I am. Mitch, you invaded my privacy"
"Don't act like you wouldn't do the same"
"I don't find you absorbed in a notebook"
"Then you haven't been watching me at night"
"What do you mean"
"I have a journal too, Scott"
"I guess I'll have to look more closely"
"Yeah, I guess you will" and with that we got our food and started eating to prepare ourselves for one of the biggest days of the summer.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter I had a lot of fun writing it. Sorry I didn't update sooner I got busy, but I promise to update soon.

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