Chapter 26 Rumors

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Mitch's POV

This weekend's trip was a local museum.

Reveille blew to wake us up. I got up, and with a little help from Scott, got dressed and ready for the day. We quickly grabbed breakfast before heading onto the buses to go to the museum. I noticed people looking at me weird, but they weren't only looking at me weird, they were looking at Scott weird too. Why? What did I do for them to give me that kind of look? I mean, I'm gay, but they've known that since the beginning of camp, or at least I thought they did. It's something that I think I make pretty obvious, but maybe these people were oblivious, and seeing me with Scott might have made them a little uncomfortable, which I get, but we are all just people. Yeah, we all have our views and feelings on this topic, but I still don't get it. The only people who aren't looking at us weird are Kirstie, Kevin, Avi, and Esther.

"Hey, have you been noticing the weird looks we've been getting, or is it just me?" I asked Scott hoping he was seeing the looks too.

"Yeah, why do you think?"

"I don't know, maybe us being boyfriends"

"Yeah, but didn't everyone already know that?"

"Well, that's what I thought, but people will be people"

"Hey, just ignore them, if it was really that big of a deal we might already know"


"Hey, look at me, just because everyone is giving us weird looks right now doesn't mean it will be for the rest of the summer, and don't let it hurt you in any way, promise?"

"I promise"

"And, we will eventually find out what this is about, but for now just try to ignore it"

"Thanks, I needed that"

"Yeah, everyone needs it once in a while"

Kirstie's POV

"Kirstie!" someone called from across the table at breakfast. I looked up to see that it was Travis.

"What do you want?" I asked annoyed

"I have a secret to tell you, it's about Mitch and Scott"

"I don't want to hear it"

"Come on! It's really good"

"If it'll get you to leave me alone"

"It will"

"Then tell me"

"Most nights, when Mitch and Scott aren't at canteen, they are having sex in the bunk, and Esther doesn't do anything about it!"

"That is bullshit, I've been with them during canteen in the bunk, they don't, they wouldn't, they would never. How do you know?"

"What else would they be doing?"

"You don't know them at all. I know they would never do that and I know what they do. It's not even  close to that. I know you are mad that you are out of battle of the bands, and that Mitch is with Scott, but that doesn't give you a right to make up rumors and spread it all over the camp."

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