Chapter 12 Trips and Telling

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Avi's POV

We were sitting at breakfast waiting to hear from Esther about the trip today when Mitch and Scott walked to the table holding hands. At first I thought it was a joke but then I realized they were serious when Mitch got up to get cereal and kissed Scott. I was kinda happy for them though. They looked so happy together which made me happy. After about 10 minutes Esther came back with news about the trip.
"We're going to the beach!" She exclaimed.
We cheered. Beaches are always fun. There is so much you can do at the beach. You can tan, play in the ocean, play in the sand, build a sand castle, eat ice cream, read, relax, write, and have a good time.
After breakfast we went back to the bunk to pack. We all put on swimsuits and filled up the bags we brought on the bus. I made sure to pack all the essentials. A change of clothes, sunscreen, a towel, a hair tie for my long hair, and my brush. Then I grabbed some fun stuff. My notebook, the three books I brought to camp, a pencil case full of pens and pencils of all colors, and a charger in case my phone ran out of battery. Luckily I was able to get my bag to close.

Scott's POV

It was very relieving to tell everyone that Mitch and I are together. I know we never said anything about it, but the holding hands, the pet names, and the kiss kinda said that. No one said anything about Mitch and I being together. Going to the beach couldn't have been a better trip for today. In a way it could be like a date.
"I don't know what to pack" Mitch whined
"A change of clothes, towel, underwear, and sunscreen. You can also grab a book, notebook, some pencils, and phone charger in case your phone dies." I told the small boy.
He grabbed a tote bag that he brought filled it, then pulled his hair into a bun. He looked so cute with his hair pulled back like that. 
We got on the bus and Mitch and I sat next to each other and Kirstie was sitting across from us. Jeremy, her boyfriend happened to be on another bus with his bunk, but she enjoyed watching us so in love. She keeps the band grounded. She's our leading lady and tons of fun to be around. Her bubbly personality makes her a person you want to be with a lot.

Kevin's POV

We finally arrived at the beach after a half an hour bus ride of listening to Scott and Mitch so in love. It was cute at first, but after about 10 minutes it started to get annoying and I wanted it to stop. I tried to read on the bus but that didn't last me very long. I listened to music drowning out the young lovers.
We got out of the bus and walked onto the sandy beach. I found a beach chair in the shade and put my stuff down there.
"Hey Kev, mind if I sit next to you" Avi asked as he walked over to me.
"Go ahead, chair's all yours"
"Thanks, Esther has to watch everyone so she isn't really going to sit so I can't sit with her and-"
"Whoa. You don't need to explain yourself. You are my best friend at camp I said I wanted to sit with you and meant it."
"I just wasn't sure"
"There will always be a seat next to me, no matter what"
"No problem, sit down and enjoy the beach" I said to Avi as I took out my book to read.

Mitch's POV

Scott and I found beach chairs that were in the sun. I took my shirt off and put it in my bag. Then I took the sunscreen out of my bag and started to apply it starting with my face and Scott did the same.
"Hey Scott, would you mind getting my back?" I asked Scott as I finished putting sunscreen on everywhere else.
"Yeah, but only if you do mine" he replied
"I'll do it"
"Thanks babe"
"No problem"
He then proceeded to put sunscreen on my back. After he finished I did his. Then we both sat in the sun. I looked around the beach. It was pretty hot and the water looked nice and cooling, but then I saw a group of kids from the camp run up to us. I realized the band was practically next to each other.
"You guys are pentatonix" one of the boys said
"Yeah" Scott replied
"Can you sing something for us?" Another one asked
Scott looked at all of us as if asking the question and we all nodded
"Yeah. We'd love to. We only have arranged the one song though, if you don't mind hearing it again"
"I loved it. Do you mind if I take a video of it?"
"Go ahead" Scott said before went into song, singing our cover of Payphone.
"I would be really cool if you guys could work out a mashup of two songs, or a medley" one of the boys said before leaving us alone. Kirstie went to get up. Probably to find Jeremy.
"Hey Kirst, guys, I think we found the answer to our problem" I started "instead of choosing between As Long As You Love Me and Wide Awake, we could do a mashup of the two" I suggested.
"That sounds like a great idea" Kevin said, followed by a bunch of nods and yeahs from the rest of the band.
"Do you guys need me for anything else?" Kirstie asked eager to leave.
"Nope you're free to go" I said and she ran off.

Kirstie's POV

I ran off to find Jeremy at the entrance where he said he would be.
"Finally" he said when I walked up.
"Sorry, I was following my bunk and then a group of kids walked up to us and asked us to sing and then Mitch needed me cause he had something to tell the band and-"
Jeremy kissed me shutting me up.
He pulled away and looked me dead in the eyes.
"This band thing is getting you famous, in the camp at least"
"Yeah, I guess"
"This is my favorite beach, let me bring you to my favorite place on the beach" he said and grabbed my hand pulling me across the beach to a little alcove with fish.
"This place is BEAUTIFUL!!" I exclaimed "get a picture of me right here"
I posed for s picture and gave Jeremy my phone.
"Got it!" He said after he took a good one"
We spent the entire morning hanging out by the alcove, until lunch. After lunch we had to get back on the busses and go back to camp to shower.

A/N: thank you for reading this chapter it was tons of fun to write.

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