Chapter 28 Breakups and Turn arounds

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Kirstie's POV

"Well I didn't invite you out here. Look, I just can't do this anymore, us, I just can't. I'm leaving tomorrow"

His words kept running through my head as I ran to my bunk. Luckily when I arrived no one else was back yet. I quickly changed into my pajamas and took off all my makeup (or what was left of it) and climbed into bed and started sobbing. 

Mitch and Scott came into the bunk about 15 minutes laughing until they saw me.

"Oh my god Kirstie what happened?" Mitch asked as he came over and sat on my bed next to me and wrapped me in a big hug.

"He dumped me. He's leaving tomorrow" I sobbed into Mitch's shirt as he comforted me. I didn't deserve him. He has been so nice to me and I know he's going through hell to. He's in physical pain, and I'm not sure how much his medicine has been helping him. He says he's fine, but I can see the pain in his eyes. How is he still so nice to me? "I'm a useless peace of shit" I said as I flopped back onto my bed sobbing.

"Hey, don't say that, please"

"How do you stay so strong? I know you are in so much pain with your leg everyday, how do you do it?"

"You wanna know the truth? I feel like I'm the most useless. We can't do choreo because of me. It's not easy, but I've got great friends who support me"

"You've been broken up with before, how did you handle it?"

"I surrounded myself with people who love me and worked to get over it. I did spend some time wallowing and feeling bad about myself at first, and crying. I cried a lot, but I think it helped. Don't worry, you'll get over him I promise"

Jeremy's POV

I packed my things excited to leave. Once I sat on my bed for the last time and thought about what had happened at evening activity. I didn't mean to break up with her, but I just couldn't handle it. 


I was in the car with my mom and after her never-ending questioning about why I left, the car was finally silent. I stared out the window for a good half an hour.  I was thinking about camp, Kirstie, how I just left her, how she tried everything she could think of. I know that she wasn't actually going to sing the song she wrote. Why would she, but she wanted me to stay that much. All I did was hurt her. She did everything she could to get me to stay at camp, I broke up with her, hurt her, and then left her with her friends, her band who now have to pick up all the pieces and prepare for battle of the bands. I love her, I can't stop thinking about her, I need to go back to her.

"Mom, turn the car around I need to go back to camp"

"Honey, did you forget something?"

"No, I don't want to go home"

"Do you think they will let you come back?"

"I hope so"

Kirstin's POV

"Hey, he's an asshole, you are to good for him," Mitch said as he was trying to console me. We were sitting on the porch, just Mitch and I. He wanted to get me out of the bunk, but that was about as far as he was taking me.

"Hey, guys, I was wondering if you would like to practice say something?" Scott came out and asked us

"Yeah, I'd love that, something to take my mind off of Jeremy. Can we do it out here? It's just so pretty out here"

"Yeah, I'll get Kevin and Avi"

They came out and we started to practice.

"Say something, I'm giving up on you

I'll be the one, if you want me to

Anywhere, I would've followed you

Say something, I'm giving up on you

And I am feeling so small

It was over my head

I know nothing at all

And I will stumble and fall

I'm still learning to love

Just starting to crawl

Say something, I'm giving up on you

I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you

Anywhere, I would've followed you

Say something, I'm giving up on you-"

We were cut off when someone came through the trees and he was yelling.


It was Jeremy.

N/A: Sorry I did't update on Thursday, I had this chapter written out, but I accidentally deleted half of it. I promise the next chapter will go up on time.

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