Chapter 25 Another Great Week

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Mitch's POV

Scott, Kirstie, and I all went to canteen. We saw Jeremy and slowly followed behind her as she approached him.
"Hi" she said
"Hey," he replied "have you made up your mind about us cause I have"
"Yeah, you wanna go first?"
"Sure. I love you, Kirstin Taylor Maldonado, I love you and I know I made a mistake. I should've told you. I didn't want to hurt you, but I ended up hurting myself. I love you more than anyone else and I don't want this one, stupid mistake to end a beautiful relationship. I just wish that maybe you feel the same way"
"You're in luck. After crying, a lot, and talking with Mitch about it, I have decided that breaking up with you isn't worth it"
They ran off to, well I don't know where.
"I told you she'd abandon us" I said to Scott "thanks for coming, I didn't want to be left alone. Wanna go back to the bunk?"
"Yeah, that sounds great, let's go"
Reveille blew waking all of us up. After I got dressed I grabbed my mirror and took a good look. My face was still swollen where I had hit the tree. It was pretty bruised as well. I guess Kirstie noticed the way I was looking at my face because she came over to me.
"Hey," she looked at my face and I could tell she knew exactly what to do.  She ran over to her bed and came back with a bag. "Want me to cover it with makeup?"
"Yeah, I'd love that"
Kirstie had fun doing my makeup. She even did me up with a little eyeliner and some light eyeshadow.

Kirstie's POV

Mitch was so happy after I did his makeup. He seemed like himself before the accident. I missed that Mitch. I could tell, just by his attitude, that today's performance was going to be a great one.
We were first and we all knew that this performance would be different.
"No matter what happens today we are still a bunk and we can't let it hurt us" Kevin said before we went on.

"Wow, you guys are great!" The first judge said "the amount of effort that you guys put into your arrangements is incredible. Scott, you sounded incredible especially since you've been sick for a big chunk of the week. Kirstin, I want to hear you more, you have a beautiful voice don't hide it in the background. Kevin, amazing, seriously, you never fail to impress me. Avi, how do you do it? Great job. And Mitch, wow, you've really showed your dedication to this band. I understand that you aren't in great condition right now, but you still perform to your fullest. Amazing job"
The other judges said similar things.

Scott's POV

We were on the stage for results. The camp director started to speak about the bands.
"All the bands did great today. The first band safe really came through today, they've had a lot of hardships to deal with this week, but they came out of it stronger than ever before. The first safe band is Pentatonix!"
I felt my band mates wrapping their arms around me and we were immersed in a group hug.
"Wow, we were pretty great today" Avi said as we made our way to our seats.
"We need to bring our A game next week. It's getting close to the end and the good bands are the only ones left now. Any ideas?" Scott said
"I really love the song Say Something. I think it'll be fun" Kirstie said
"Me too. I can play cello with us for it. It will be really good" Kevin added.
"Then it's decided. Next week we will do say something." Scott said and we all cheered.

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