Chapter 15 The Day Before

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Scott's POV

The song Mitch just sang me was beyond amazing.
"Wow...that was incredible"
"Thanks for being nice, but it really wasn't that great"
"No Mitch, I can't form words to tell you how much I love that song. We should perform it for the last battle of the bands, if we make it that far"
"We won't win"
"Yes we will, that song is indescribable Mitch it seriously is and I want to remember it as out last song"
"Alright I promise to do that"
He then placed a soft kiss on my lips.
"Um guys, I don't mean to interrupt, but that song, Mitch, it was truly amazing, I totally agree with Scott. Definitely our last song" Kirstie piped up
"Okay, okay, when the time comes I'll show it to Avi and Kevin" Mitch replied
Kirstie and I cheered. A song that good deserves to be heard.

The next day

Reveille blew waking me from my beauty sleep.
"Morning beautiful" I greeted Mitch as he woke
"Morning to you too"
"I can't get the song out of my head"
"Must be good"
I rolled my eyes
"You wrote it, so of course it was good"
"Yeah, whatever"
"You okay?"
"Sure, yeah"
"Okay what's going on"
"I may have had an encounter with Travis, yesterday"
We walked out of the bunk and started walking over to the dinning hall.
"What happened?"
"Mitch" Travis called. I tried to ignore him, I don't want to be involved with him.
"Mitch, I'm talking to you"
"What do you want" I said spinning around
"Your love"
"You broke up with me, plus I'm dating someone"
"Who? The tall blonde?"
"Yeah, the tall blonde"
"Well, either I get you, or battle of the bands, your choice"
"I can't choose if you win, that's up to the judges"
"No, I want you to loose"
"What will happen if you lose?"
"Will I have you?"
"Then you'll pay" he said then walked away
That's what happened, Scott"

Mitch's POV

"Oh god Mitch! I'm so sorry" Scott said. Tears were streaming down my face.
"It wasn't your fault."
"Yeah, but I promised to protect you"
"There was no way around it"
"How do you know"
"I don't, but, Scott, look at me. I'm perfectly fine. Scared? Maybe a little, but I've been scared since week one, there's no way to protect me from being scared"
"I guess you're right, I can't protect you from that, but I feel so bad about this"
"Scott, I've got to let life happen. If I sit around locked up scared someone will hurt me, I'm not going to live, I won't get to do anything. Sometimes, just going out and being part of the world is better than sitting locked up scared something will happen. It's okay to be scared, trust me, but it's not okay to let fear control your life"
"You're right, but I still want to try to protect you"
"Thanks, that's all I need"
He placed a soft kiss on my forehead before going into the dinning hall for breakfast.

Kevin's POV

We arrived at music to see Ben was already there.
"Hey guys" he greeted us.
I watched him pull Kirstie aside.
"You feeling okay?" He questioned her
"Much better thanks" she responded
"Morning, guys"
"Good morning" we all said in unison.
"Today is choreo day"
We all groaned
"We're not good at choreo" Scott piped up
"Lies, you guys looked amazing last week"
"First you guys just sing the mash up."

Avi's POV

After singing the mashup Ben gave us places and started to teach us the choreo for the song. After about 10-15 minutes we took a 5 minute break. Kirstie walked over to Ben to talk to him, and I kinda listened to their conversation.
"Hey, so, this choreo feels like a lot compared to last week, and it's pretty hard for me to breath as we do it" Kirstie told Ben. I could tell she was still sick, which must be very hard for her
"Okay. If you'd like I can cut it down and make it simpler" Ben responded
"That would be great thanks"
"No problem. Now get a drink, before we start practice again"
By the end of music we had the choreo down and were ready for battle of the bands.
We headed to lunch very excited for tomorrow. All of us were very excited. Well, except for Mitch. He seemed pretty nervous or scared. I don't know why he would be scared though, but if it was something I needed to know he would probably tell me.

Kirstie's POV

I'm still sick, but definitely getting better. I'm probably not going to canteen though, I'm still not feeling that great. Any way, I walked to theater and was instantly greeted by Jeremy.
"Hey babe" he said before trying to kiss me.
"Still sick" I said as I pulled away. He looked very upset "I love you and don't want you to get sick"
"Please don't be mad. I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't love you"
"I know but-"
"No buts, give me like 2 or 3 days and I'll be better. I'll kiss you then"
We stood there smiling at each other when Violet  interrupted.
"Okay. Guys! We are going to run through the show so we will be ready for tomorrow night"
Then she pulled me aside.
"Kirstie, do you think you'll be able to perform tomorrow?" She asked
"Um, yeah. I'm performing with my bunk for battle of the bands so if I can do that I should be fine for this."
"Great! Alright places everyone!"

After the run through we all went back to our bunks to shower and get ready for dinner. I opened my journal and wrote a song that I loved.

Timid heart
Hide my scars
Make me stronger
I can't take this any longer
I need
I need you like water

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