Chapter 30 Music to My Ears

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Esther's POV

"Honey. I heard what Koco said" Deana said realizing what was making me so upset "honey. I know you were so excited for counselor of the year. I'm just not sure how to give it to you now"

"Scott and Mitch are sweet kids. I know they would never do anything close to what Travis said"

"Were you there to stop them?"

"Well no"

"Then there is no way I can fully know that they didn't"

Mitch's POV

Today's the day. Battle of the bands. We've been working so hard on this week's song. Say Something was harder than we expected, but I think it's amazing. There are only four more weeks of camp left after this one and 7 bands at the moment including us.

I looked over at Esther as she walked over to wake me up. She looked completely defeated and upset.

"Are you okay?" I asked quietly

"Yeah. I'm fine"

"Are you sure?"

"Deana didn't believe me"

"I think I have a way I can help"

I quickly sent a text to the bunk group chat without  Esther in.

Mitch: guys. Esther is really upset about what Koco did but I have an idea to help. I'm going to write a letter to Deana, I just need you all to sign it. Are you in?

Kirstie: totally

Scott: of course

Kevin: yeah

Avi: anything for her, I mean she is my sister

I sat down and wrote the letter to Deana.


I understand that there has been some issues with rumors being spread about campers and counselors this summer. I am not only a victim of this, but I've seen the negative effect it has had on others. This isn't a letter complaining about what has been going on, it's a letter addressing the fact of one particular rumor. First of all, the writer of this letter is Mitch Grassi from bunk 10. Travis has spread some awful rumors about me and my boyfriend Scott. Travis and I used to date but he broke up with me. Anyway, he was very upset seeing me with Scott and tried everything to get me back. After he failed he wanted to find a way to get me in trouble and found that Esther was at canteen while Scott and I were still in the bunk. Koco heard about this and used it to ruin Esther's reputation. Let me tell you something. I am a virgin and so is Scott. We are both too young to take anything that far. I'm a very antisocial person and when we are in the bunk, he is teaching me ways to become more social and make more friends. We also write songs together. We don't do anything other than that. I promise. You can come and watch us tomorrow night if you'd like. Thank you for reading this letter and I hope you'll consider Esther for counselor of the year again. She truly deserves it.

Mitch Grassi, Scott Hoying, Kirstin Maldonado, Avi Kaplan, and Kevin Olusola.

I placed it in her mailbox on my way to the amphitheater for battle of the bands this week.

Kirstie's POV

We walked on to perform our cover of say something. It was better than we all could've imagined.

"Ah. Pentatonix. How could you guys go wrong? You completely did a wonderful job. Adding the cello to your arrangement was a very risky move. Although it sounded amazing I do feel as if it looses the integrity of A Cappella" one of the judges said

"I agree. Amazing arrangement but the cello. It added something amazing. I'm just not sure it was the right thing to do" another one said

"I definitely agree. But still, great job"

We walked over to our seats and while I was walking someone grabbed my arm and pulled me onto them.

"Hey babe" he said. I turned around and realized it was Jeremy.

"Hi," I said quietly

"Why so quiet?"

"We, just, uh, just didn't do so great. The criticism hurts"

"I know honey, but the other bands are way worse. Trust me. I think you're still in"

"Okay. I'm still worried, I really want to win"

"I want you to win too"

"What if we don't?"

"Kirstie, stop thinking like that. Honey you are amazing and the other bands, well they kinda suck. They eliminate from the most sucky to least sucky, but your band is amazing. Trust me, you will win this"

"I just feel like I'm not putting enough focus on it. I mean, I'm spending so much time memorizing my lines instead of learning parts and practicing them and that's all everyone else is thinking about. I feel like  I'm just hurting the band by not putting enough effort, time, and energy into it" I started crying "why do I feel like I'm not enough for the band?"

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