Chapter 21 Scott?

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Kirstie's POV

I ran off to canteen to see Jeremy. I walked with Scott and Mitch, but they seemed very quiet. They always have something to talk about. I was about to start the conversation when I got a text.
Jeremy: how much longer til you get here...I need you
Kirstie: almost there, I think you'll be able to wait
Jeremy: but i can't
Kirstie: am I worth the wait
Jeremy: I guess
Kirstie: do you see me now?
Jeremy: stop texting me and get your beautiful butt over here

I walked over to Jeremy and he wrapped me in his arms.
"Took you long enough" he joked
"Hey, if I rushed I wouldn't look this good" I replied
"I guess it was worth it...follow me"
"Where are we going?"
"It's a surprise, close your eyes and I'll lead you"
We walked for a while before stopping.
"Open" Jeremy instructed
I opened my eyes. I looked around. We were in the dinning hall. The rest of the band, everyone from theater, and anyone else I was friends with were there.
"Surprise!" Everyone yelled
"What's this?"
"I know how much being Dorothy meant to you so I wanted to celebrate, but it felt right to have everyone you love celebrate with you, well except family, but visiting day is in like 2 weeks"
"This is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me!! I love it!! Thank you so so so much!!" I hugged Jeremy. He is absolutely the best boyfriend ever.

Scott's POV

I woke up at 3:00 in the morning absolutely nauseous. I ran to the bathroom and made it to the toilet just as I started to throw up. I don't know how loud I was but when I looked up after I was done Esther was standing right beside me.
"You okay?" She asked even though she probably knew the answer
"I don't think so"
"Well, I should take you to the infirmary"
"But Mitch, he needs me"
"No buts Hoying, you are obviously sick and need some medical attention"
"I can't, there's no time, battle of the bands, and Mitch"
"Look, Scott, I understand that you want to make sure your boyfriend will be well taken care of, but if we don't figure out what you've got, you can jeopardize battle of the bands for everyone"
"Fine" I mumbled as Esther dragged me into the infirmary.
"Scott, are you okay?" I heard a familiar voice question. I looked up to see Ariel "You don't look good, Esther, I'll take care for him. Scott, come with me."
We walked down the hall to one of the rooms. As soon as we walked in I realized that it was the same room Mitch had been in not to long ago.
"Scott, it's nice to see you again, although your timing is interesting"
"Can you tell me what happened?"
"Well, I woke up extremely nauseous and ended up vomiting, I made it to the toilet, and Esther I guess heard me, and now I'm here"
"Okay. You can just rest here and I'll bring you some toast."
I lied there staring at the ceiling. Esther had me grab some clothes and my phone before we came to the infirmary. I grabbed my phone and my charger and plugged it into the outlet next to me. I checked the time, 4:00, reveille won't blow for 3 hours. I don't want to text Mitch and tell him, plus, Esther will probably do that, but will he be okay?
"I brought you toast" Ariel announced snapping me out of my thoughts "and, you probably just have a stomach bug, but I'm gonna watch you and make sure."
"Awesome, thanks Ariel"
"No problem, call of you need anything"
"Will do"
Then I decided I would get some rest and before I knew it I was fast asleep.

Mitch's POV

Reveille blew, and I woke up, I was so sure that Scott would be there to help me, to talk to me, but when I looked over I saw an empty bed and no Scott. So I grabbed and outfit I could reach, hoping that Scott was just in the bathroom. I went to the bathroom to change and he wasn't there. When I came out of the stall Esther pulled me aside.
"I everything okay?" I questioned her.
"Well, Scott is in the infirmary. At like 3:00 I heard someone in the bathroom and when I got up to check it out he was throwing up, he made it in the toilet, but I took him to the infirmary and they are keeping him there for hopefully just the day, it is hopeful just a stomach bug but it might not be"
"Alright. Thanks Esther."

Scott's POV

I woke up to reveille and remembered the events of the night. Ariel came in not to long after.
"Hey Scott, glad you're up. How are you feeling, any better?"
"No, not really."
"Alright, I'm going to take your temperature, just to have a better idea of what you've got.... Scott, you have a bit of a fever. You probably have a stomach flu. It should pass on a few days"
"A few days!? But battle of the bands. I can't let my band down"
"Look, Scott if you're not 100% better by battle of the bands I'm not going to keep you here, but for now you are not leaving this room unless you need to go to the bathroom. Do you want breakfast?"
"Is a bagel and cream cheese okay?"
"Sounds great"
I picked up my phone and called Mitch.

Mitch's POV

"Hello?" I said as I answered Scott's call
"Hey, Mitch. I'm really sorry"
"About what?"
"Not being there. Is everything okay? Are you at breakfast? Were you able to get everything okay?"
"Scott, I'm perfectly fine. How are you, you sound horrible"
"No I know that"
"Stomach flu"
"Aw that sucks"
"It should pass in a few days. I'm afraid I'm not leaving the infirmary though, but I'll be at battle of the bands"
"Wait a minute. What are we going to do about rehearsal?"
"We'll figure something out"

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