Chapter 8

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I turned to the being that grabbed me. To my surprise, it was Drake. He looked me in the eyes and said, "I'm so glad I found you, I've been looking for you all night, where'd you go?"

I was about to answer when I heard Fang yell, "CASCADE'S GONE!!!! WE NEED TO FIND HER AND HER ADORABLE SMALLNESS!!!!!" Drake looked out the alley for a moment and asked, "Who's that?" I blushed, not because Drake was here, but because of Fang's comment about me, and said, "That's my best friend, Fang." Drake pulled his head back in and said, "You realize she's crazy, right?" I nodded and said, "Don't let her hear you say-"

"CRAZY?! I should get off this unicorn and slap you, random shadow!" Drake froze as he said, "Crap, I think she saw me." I laughed at Fang's comment. Hey, I can't blame her, she's just that random. I looked to the side and saw Fang right outside of the alley. Fang looked at me and said, "THERE YOU ARE!!!! Why are you with a cool looking snake guy?" I looked at Drake, took a step back, and said, "This my best friend Fang. Fang, this is Drake, an acquaintance."

Fang repeatedly looked from me to Drake and back. Then she said, "Awesome!" Alex came around the corner, looked at us, and said, "Am I interrupting something?" We all shook our heads. Alex said, "Good, because we need to head back."


I am so glad I found Cascade; she could really use the support of her best friend. And now that I've met Drake, I can think of a scheme that would get him and Cascade together, because I ship it and it shall set sail, MWAHAHAHAH- *coughs really hard* I really need to work on my evil laugh. I wonder if Delta's alright. Why am I worrying about him?

ANYWAAAAAYS. We just arrived at this abandoned factory, where I sensed at least 7 people in there. Yes, I am that AWESOME. We went inside and went to this maroon colored door. Drake lifted his hand and knocked on the door. After a moment, we heard a voice that said, "Come in." Drake opened the door and walked in with Cascade following behind. before they closed the door, Cascade said, "Hey, you don't mind waiting out here while we talk to Drake's sensei, do you?" I smiled and said, "OF COURSE NOT. Just don't take too long."


After I talked to Fang, I turned to Castle. He looked at the both of us and said, "Is this about Cascade's friend?" We both nodded. Castle looked at us and chuckled. I felt my cheeks heat up when he laughed. I had a hard time looking at him and said, "So, about my friend-"

"Yes, she can stay here as long as necessary. May I meet her?" I nodded as I opened the door and said, "Fang, their sensei wants to meet you." Fang looked at me and said, "AWESOME!!!" I led her into the room and introduced her to Castle and Castle to her. After a few minutes, we left the room and I went and introduced Fang to everyone else, other than Jess and Will.

Everyone seemed to like her, but when I brought her to Max, he asked, "Hey, did you know that Cascade doesn't like Drake?" Fang said, "OF COURSE, why do you ask?" Then Max smiled an evil smile and Fang smiled the same way. I tried to run away before they did anything, but they grabbed both of my arms and started dragging me towards a closet. I started to struggle when they threw me in.

The closet was actually quite roomy, but it was also very dark. I reached around to see if there was a light switch. To my dismay, there was none. So I sat on the floor and decided to get some rest since I didn't get to sleep last night.


I was busy hitting the punching bag in the dojo when Max and Cascade's friend, Fang, came in. I looked over at them and noticed that they both had an evil looking smile plastered on their faces. They looked at me and started walking towards me. Fang came up to me and said, "Hey, you're Drake, right?" I looked at her and said, "That's the name I was given." Her smile looked like it grew wider as she said, "What are your feelings about Cascade?"

I felt a little shocked that Fang would ask me that. I sort of looked around to see if anybody was nearby, and said, "Well, I kind of find her as an interesting person." Fang kept smiling and said, "That's good, that's good." Then she grabbed my arm with a strong grip, stronger than mine, and dragged me towards a closet. I tried to get out of her grip, but somehow, she threw me in the closet, shut and locked the door.

I stood up and walked along the wall to find a light switch. Halfway along a wall, I tripped over something and fell back on the floor. I then heard a groan and a voice that said, "Ugh, what the hell was that for?" I sat up as I recognized the voice as Cascade's. Why was she in here?


I woke up when I felt someone trip over me. I groaned because the person woke me up for no apparent reason. I sat up and said, "Ugh, what the hell was that for?" I heard the other person say, "Cascade what are you doing in here?" I froze for a moment as I recognized Drake's voice. What was he doing in here? I slid to a far wall and said, "Fang and Max threw me in here. Why are you in here?" Drake shuffled and said, "Your friend, Fang, dragged me in here, she's got a strong grip."

I looked down and said, "Yeah, well, like me, she's part demon, she's pretty strong." After a moment, Drake said, "How long have you known Fang?" I looked at where his voice was coming from and said, "Almost three years, she's like a sister I never had. So, how long have you guys known Jess and Will?" Drake said, "About the same time as you've known Fang."

We ended up talking for a while, like talking about what we liked, what we didn't like, the friends we have and had, and how our basic life was like. As we were talking, the door opened to reveal Fang, Max, and Jarrod. I stared at Jarrod in confusion as he said, "Okay, are you friends now?"


Yes, at times, Fang can be evil, but hey, she's part demon, what can I say? And what do you think about Drake and Cascade being friends?

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