Chapter 13

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I am now wandering around the factory looking for Delta. After a while, I heard what sounded like weeping. I followed the sound and saw Delta curled up in a corner crying. I started entering the room when I felt something hit my head and everything went black.


After Luke had asked about Max, I heard a scream. Luke and I got up and followed the sound of talking and screaming. we got to a room where we saw Fang, Delta, and some guy in a silver and purple suit and a top hat. We also saw that he had silver colored wings. I grabbed a rock and threw it at his head. It hit him and distracted him long enough for Fang and Delta to leave the room. After the guy picked up his hat, he looked at us and said, in a british accent, "How dare you hit me in the head with a goddamn rock!"

I looked up at him and said, "How dare you disrespect my friends and their relationship!" Luke had already left so it was just me and this guy. He frowned and said, "You need to learn your manners, stupid girl." I frowned and said, "And you need to learn yours, douchebag." He smirked and said, "Hmm, you're an interesting one." He took a step back and said, "I will be back." then disappeared in a grey cloud. After the smoke cleared, there was a piece of paper on the ground where he was standing. I picked it up and read:

Silver Robin

I guessed that was the guy's name. I put the paper in my pocket and went back to the lab. I saw Luke and Aaron trying to calm Delta and Fang. I then realized that Fang was upset. Fang is never upset, she's always upbeat and happy. I walked up to her and said, "Hey Fang, let's go talk somewhere else, okay?" She nodded and we walked down to the hall where the main rooms were. Suddenly, Fang grabbed my neck and pinned me to a wall. I looked at her and said, "I had a feeling that you weren't Fang."

In a different voice, she said, "Oh really, how could you tell?" I smirked and said, "Fang never gets upset." She chuckled and then she changed into a girl with dark hair and wearing light armor. She looked up at me and said, "I should remember that next time. But for now, I need to get rid of you." Then she started to choke me. I felt faint and everything went black.


I was sitting in my room when I heard something in the hallway. I looked out and saw Cascade passed out on the floor with a familiar looking person standing over her. The person looked over at me and said, "Oh, hello, Drake." Crap, it was Beatrice, the girl Tristan has a crush on. Then, oddly enough, Tristan walked into the hallway and saw her. He took a step back and said, "Beatrice? What are you doing here?" She walked up to him to say something to him, which gave me some time to grab Cascade and bring her to the lab.

When I walked into the lab, Aaron saw me and said, "Drake, what are you doing here? You're supposed to-" I interrupted him by saying, "I know, I know, but Cascade's hurt and she needs help, now." I set her on an examining table and watch as Aaron took a look at her neck, which was now bruised due to whatever Beatrice did to her. Aaron hooked her up to a homemade heart monitor. Luckily, she still had a pulse, but it was pretty weak. Aaron looked up at me and said, "Drake, I am going to take a sample of her blood, but I think you should leave the room first." I nodded and said, "I understand." and left the room.

As I stood in the hallway, I remembered that I still had Cascade's necklace. I went to my room and grabbed it. As I walked out of the room, I noticed that Beatrice was gone. Finally, I thought. I walked back to the lab when I passed by a door that sounded like someone was kicking it. Cautiously, I opened it. I looked in and saw Fang on the ground tied up. I pulled her out and untied her. As she stood up, I asked, "What happened?" She looked at me and said, "Oh, you know, just getting tied up for no reason, it's cool. Where's Cascade at?"

I cringed and said, "She's in the lab, she got hurt badly."


If you remember, I mentioned a fifth animatronic. Well, here he is, the silver animatronic, because gold was taken. Obviously, I got lazy with his name. Do you think that Cascade is going to be alright? And what do you think of Beatrice?

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