Chapter 11

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I had gotten Fang to wake up finally. I took her to the living room and when she saw Delta, she yelled, "DELTA?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" This caused both Drake and Delta to jump. They both looked over at us. Suddenly, Delta's face started turning red. I never thought that animatronics were capable of blushing. I looked over at Fang, who was blushing as well.

I walked her over to the two and we explained what we were told by Delta as to why he's here. Once we had finished explaining, Fang said, "Oooh, okay then. Oh, and Delta, why are you blushing, I thought animatronics weren't capable of blushing." Delta felt his cheek and then ran out of the room. Fang shook her head and said, "I should probably go and look for him." And left me with Drake. Drake looked at me and said, "So, what did Fang mean when she said that animatronics weren't capable of blushing?"

I explained how Delta was an animatronic from Randy Robin's Pizzeria and that his area, Pirate's Shore, was shut down. He then said, "Oh, okay, I think I understand." I nodded my head. Then Drake said, "Since you like horror movies so much, have you heard of The Babadook?" I nodded and said, "That's another one of my favorites." Drake smiled and said, "Do you want to watch it with me?" I nodded, smiled, and said, "Sure."

I walked over to the couch as Drake went to put in the movie. At that moment, my stomach growled and I realized that I haven't eaten yet. The embarrassing part was that it was loud. Drake looked up and said, "I'm guessing you haven't ate anything yet." I nodded my head in embarrassment. Drake smiled and said, "You don't need to be embarrassed. Come on, let's get something to eat."

He led me to the kitchen and grabbed a box of cereal off the top off the fridge and a jug of milk out of the fridge. He also grabbed a bowl for me to put the cereal in. As I was getting myself breakfast, Drake grabbed what looked like red Jell-O or Danish dessert in a container. After I finished, he grabbed out two spoons and handed me one. We just sat there eating in an awkward silence.

I finished eating and placed the bowl in the sink. I started walking out to the living room when I tripped and cut my hand. I heard Drake rush over to where I fell. I stood up and dusted myself off. When I did, a red smudge appeared on my pajama pants. I looked at my hand and saw that it was bleeding. Drake probably saw the smudge and said, "Let me see your hand." I showed it to him and he looked at it.

For a moment, I could've sworn his eye- the one that wasn't hidden by his hair- started turning red. When I tried to look again, he closed his eyes and said, "Y-you should g-get that bandaged." I went up to the bathroom and wrapped a bandage cloth around my hand. When I got back to the kitchen, Drake was breathing heavily with his back turned towards me. I walked up to him and asked, "Drake, are you okay?"

His head shot up, then he turned around and pinned me to a nearby wall. His tail also wrapped itself around my arms and waist. We both locked eyes and I saw that both of his eyes were bright red, almost glowing. He was still breathing heavily and I saw that he had fangs. Last time I saw, Drake didn't have fangs. As I looked in his eyes, I saw, hunger maybe? After a while of looking into each other's eyes, I saw his soften and turn back to their forest green color.

He released me from the wall, closed his eyes, and said, "I'm sorry if I scared you. I didn't mean to." His tail unwound itself from around me and he walked out of the room quickly.


I can't believe I almost did that, and to Cascade of all people. I need to control this, this monster inside of me. I need to figure out how to stop this hunger for blood. I need to protect myself from Cascade and my brothers. I went to my room. Over these years, I learned that I lose control over my monster and all I know is that bad stuff happens, so I locked myself in my room on that day. And I need to do that now.


After what had happened, I decided to talk to Aaron about that. I looked in his lab and saw him asleep on his desk. I shook him and he sat upright almost immediately. He looked at me and said, "Oh, it's just you, Cascade. Is there something you need?" I saw how tired he was and said, "Well, first it looks like you could use some coffee, would you like me to get some for you?" Aaron shook his head and said, "Thanks for the offer, but I can get it, just wait here, okay?" I nodded and said, "Okay." As I waited, I looked around the room and saw many gadgets. I saw a calendar and looked at the date. It was August 18th, and there was going to be a full moon tonight.

I smiled. For some reason, on full moons, I just feel more happier and successful than usual. It also makes me feel lucky and forget about my depression. After a few more minutes of looking around, Aaron came back in, sat down, and said, "Okay, so what did you want to talk to me about?" I looked at him and said, "Well, I was in the kitchen with Drake. I walked out only to trip and cut my hand. Drake came over and looked at my cut. When he did, it almost looked like his eyes turned red. I asked if he was okay and he said that I should bandage my cut-"

Aaron interrupted me by saying, "Wait, did you say that his eyes turned red?" I nodded my head and said, "Well, that's what it looked like, why?" He then looked at the calender I was looking at and had a bit of a panic look on his face. I asked, "What's wrong?" Aaron looked at me and said, "Well, you see, Drake has a secret that he only told me because he wants me to help make an antidote. He, somehow, became part vampire." I was shocked by this news. "Well, that makes sense now." I said. Aaron opened a file on his computer and said, "Well, his thirst for blood becomes almost unbearable on a full moon. In other words, that is when he is very dangerous to be around. We agreed that he should lock himself in his room, but he usually takes Scales out, he forgot to do that."

I was confused. I asked, "Who's Scales?" Aaron looked at me and said, "Oh, that's Drake's pet snake." Then he stared at me for a moment and said, "Have you ever held a living snake before?" I nodded and said, "In my last science class, we had a pet snake there and some of us were allowed to hold him." Aaron nodded and said, "Okay, do you know where Drake's room is?" I nodded again. Aaron said, "Alright, I have a plan. I will distract Drake with something else while you sneak into his room and grab Scales."


So, thoughts on Drake being a vampire? And what about Aaron's plan? Do you think it will work?

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