Chapter 10

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I looked down at Cascade and found that she was asleep. I smiled just looking at her. I gently got up while I slowly laid her down on the couch. Carefully, I removed her glasses and placed them on the t.v. while I turned it off. I looked at the time and realized how late it was. I went up to my room and grabbed a blanket. Quietly, I placed the blanket on Cascade. As I made my way to my room, I looked at the calendar. I saw that tomorrow night was going to be a full moon. I need to prepare myself.


I woke up to the sun in my face. I turned over into the warm pillow at my side. I then realized that when I went to sleep, I only had one pillow, not two, and it was not at my side, nor was it this warm. I lift my head and saw Drake, who was shirtless. I felt a blush creep upon my cheeks. I looked around and saw that I was no longer in the living room, but where I supposed was Drake's room. Crap, I must've slept walk again, I thought.

As quietly as I could, I climbed out of his bed and walked out of his room. Right before I could open the door, the floor creaked. I heard Drake shuffle, but he did not get up. I then opened the door and left the room. I silently went to the living room and crept under the blanket that was on the couch and acted like I was there the entire night. Then, there was a banging on the door. Since, I assumed, I was the only one up, I went and answered it. Standing there was... Delta? What was he doing here?

I let Delta in and said, "Delta, what are you doing here? And how did you find where we are?" He looked at me and said, "I followed yer brother's scent. Plus, I don't think anyone would notice me being gone. And I need to warn ye and yer friend, Fang." I looked at him and said, "Well, now's not exactly a good time-" "Cascade, who's this?" I turned to see Drake, with a shirt on this time. I looked at him and said, "Drake, this is Delta, a friend of mine. Delta, this is Drake, my friend." I shook my head and said, "Delta, what did you come to warn me about?" Delta turned to me and said, "I don't think it'd be safe for ye and Fang to come back to the pizzeria. These strange men came there and were askin' Alex about you and replaced pieces of the other endoskeletons."

Drake looked at him and said, "Wait, did these strange men all look exactly the same?" Delta shook his head and said, "No, there was a tall, armored man with a few people that looked almost like ninjas. Alex was smart and denied everything the man asked." Drake's grip on my arm tightened after Delta finished speaking. He turned to me and said, "You should go get Fang and tell her to come in here." I nodded my head and went towards where I thought Fang would be.


I couldn't believe it. The Fight Clan are after Cascade. I've got to keep her safe somehow. I looked at the guy that Cascade called Delta and said, "How do you know Cascade?" He looked at me and said, "I met her when she came with her brother to his job at the pizzeria. Why do ye ask?" Why is he talking like a pirate? And come to think of it, why is he dressed like one as well?

I looked at Delta and said, "If you don't mind me asking, why are you dressed and talking like a pirate?" He looked at himself and said, "Oh, that's because I used to be a pirate, until Pirate's Shore was closed down awhile back."What is he talking about? I shook my head and then noticed that he seemed to have wolf ears and a wolf tail as well. I was about to say something when I heard someone yell, "DELTA?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!"


Yes, I made it to where Drake gets to meet Delta. Hooray!!!!! Anyone have any idea on what Drake has to prepare for? I'll tell you now that it has nothing to do with werewolves, though they do exist in this world.

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