Fix you

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Song of the chapter: Fix you - coldplay ;)

Through my unconciousness I felt eyes taking in my appearance, looking at all the scars. See, my father was one of those steriotypical 'alcoholics' so he did what most do - lash out. My mother died trying to defend me, I was in intensive care for a month and my father went into prison for arsenic.

I stirred lightly, shaking bad thoughts from my head which lead inevitably to me falling of the bed that I appeared to be sprawled out across "dumb bitch" a short black haired man snickered, kicking me repeatedly in the ribcage, "p-please s-stop" i whispered, unable to shout as the wind had been knocked out of me "frank, leave her" the read head snarled protectively "what is she 'yours' all of a sudden?" the man to which I learnt was called frank yelled, putting air quotations in at 'yours'.

"she's worthless anyway" he shouted kicking me again "look at her" he pointed, at this point I was squirming, crawled up in a ball, trying to hopelessly protect myself with tears rolling down my cheeks, it felt strange it used to be my dad that did this sort of thing to me.

"get up" frank ordered "I said GET UP! are you deaf AND dumb?" he spat his words venomously, I tried to move but a tremendous pain in my chest overwhelmed my fragile body, I screamed in sheer agony, my breathing becoming short and raspy "she's seriously injured, all of you out of the room" a blonde man shouted agressively as the realisation started to kick in -hard

"sweetie can you hear me? My names mikey" he said lifting me carefully onto the bed next to me "I'm gonna lift up your tshirt a little, just to see how serious the damage is" he asked, by this time I felt lightheaded and didn't care, I just nodded "don't you worry I'll fix you" he said stroking my hair sympathetically "tha-thank you" I smiled weakly, but the smile soon faded as mikey put pressure on the wound "argh!" I shouted squeezing my eyes shut

"i'm coming in" a voice mumbled from the other side of the door, and within three seconds of the statement a familiar face strutted through the door "scale of one to ten how serious?" the red head asked "9 and a half" mikey looked up worriedly, before I could ask any questions my mind went blank and ebbed into blackness


Hey guys! Sorry for the drama, one question - what's your favourite pop song? Mines cry cry cry - alice gold and another question ray toro - good guy or bad guy? I'm thinking bad for this story? Wadaya think? Love meg

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