Home alone!

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song for the WHOLE STORY is at the side - - - - >

I awoke groggily and unaware of my surroundings, pieces of paper with intracate sketches lay lazily on the ground, waiting for someone to save them.

My ribs throbbed sullenly, which was nothing compared to the pain of yesterday, but it still bloody hurts! pulling up the slightly oversized misfits t-shirt that sagged around my small frame a large purple bruise clung onto my skin like an unwanted guest, I poked it out of sheer interest "ow" I frowned practically pulling an angry birds face as the area i had poked throbbed intensly.

Next to me lay a peice of paper, adressed to 'the British Ginger Kid With A Bruise' to which I assumed it was for non other than me, I shredded it open carefully, I DID NOT want a paper cut! Damn I hate those things in neat cursive was the following:

"to bonnie, where playing a gig a couple miles away so your home alone - sorry! :3 feel free to look around your new home, because the only room your familiar with is my room" I paused, gerard liked to draw? I'll question him about that one day "frank's little sister hannah should get home before us - she's nicer than frank DONT WORRY! :D love - gerard xxx"

wait wait wait slow it down a little - love? Love gerard huh? That sassy son of a bastard! How dare he put love! I've only knew him for - how long have I been here? Oh my god, here I am in somebody elses home not knowing how long i've been here for worrying about what gerard wrote. I am a retard.

I waltzed out of gerards room slighty dazed, this house was huge! I could rum riot in here "I'll store that thought for later!" I laughed, opening the door on the nearest left, a sign above the door "piss off, you know who's room it is" note to self: point that out - I didn't know who's room it was.

"actually you know what, I'm gonna stay out of this room!" I mumbled after figuring out it was franks room, next thing was a dog came running at me full force "holy shit!" I shouted in mid air.

I landed with a large thud "and who's dog is this?" I shouted realising afterwards that there was no-one home


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