Ray is being nice?

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"wadaya wanna do today?" mikey jumped onto the couch and poked my ribs "eat" I seriously hadent ate since my last day at the foster house "you like meat?" I shook my head no that fast that I whipped gerard straight in the face

"argh, another veggie!" he complained "correction: vegan" I stated "well, why are you wearing gerards LEATHER jacket?" he laughed "HOLY SHIT!" I shrieked literally kicking the thing away from me.

"moving swiftly on from that ordeal..." mikey laughed "we need to change your look" my confused face must have led him on "your hair, your style, your music taste - everything!" he smiled "we'll get you some food down at the mall because... Non of us can cook" gerard confessed smirking.

--------3 hours later-----------

We were walking around the mall, clearly being stared at by those who knew MCR though all four continued to walk with the odd smirk in the direction of those who were wearing there tee's.

They dragged me into a store called 'hot topic' and after an hour of pure scrutinisation and trying on of 90% of the store, we left - all carrying that much that our backs where hunching over.

"I'm going over there, stay with the others"pointing at the 'apple' store, he smiled portraying a 'don't worry' attitude, he didn't have to worry he wasn't standing with a rapist, a hater and a red-head.

"oh Ive got some stuff that I need to get for you too!" gerard smiled "I'll be right back" he promised pointing his pinky finger to mine. I was left with a hater and more importantly a rapist, I shuddered heavily but before I could wonder about what could of happened mikey turned around the corner, skipping happily swinging a small bag by his side.

A few seconds later gerard practically strutted towards us with one hand on his hip "say goodbye to the ginger kid" he smirked ruffling my hair "what!" I shouted my mouth gaping to form an 'O' "haha" ray laughed "thank god for that, it's such an awful shade" ray laughed jokingly elbowing my lightly... WTF?! WAS HE BEING NICE TO ME?!


Hey guys :D MEG HERE! Sabbz has sort of resigned for a month so he can look after his mum as she isn't feeling all too good :( I know this chapter wasn't all to good but I promise the next will be! Why? BECAUSE BONNIE IS TRANSFORMING!!! And she might be going to public school and she'll probs drop out cos yannoo... School is boring!

Sold! To The Sexy Red-Head! (An MCR Fan-Fiction/Slave Romance)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें