Injury after injury

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The bright White olour was enough to wake anyone up from anything, though gerard didn't seem affected. He had been lying in that same awkward dead position for hours. I couldn't take it, he looked so uncomfortable that i just wanted to go over there and hug him so hard that his eyeballs would pop out - but I couldn't.

That crash really did prove how lucky me and gerard both were, it shown through the fact that the truck driver had died and a nearby pedestrain died from the intensity of the flames and yet still me and gerard lay breathing like any other day.

My body ached like nothing else I'd ever felt before, but I didn't care and that was the honest truth. As long as I saw gerard and that beautiful face of his again I really truly didn't care.

It was about time I confessed how I felt about him and I knew that but I was scared the last time he talked to me he spoke so cold and so formally that I worried he'd lost his young sassy attitude that he was so well known for.

I couldn't speak. Not a word could be formed from my mouth. My voice was lost forever, you see, the glass of the car had smashed when we collided and somehow a large peice had managed to jam itself into my throat cutting the main part of my voicebox so much so that it was impossible to form a simple word like 'cat' and I would end up mouthing the word unintentionally.

I was a mute.

As well i sustained many injuries that afternoon, for example: my wrist was broken, I had fractured a rib and broken my left leg as well as the obvious burns that i had aquired. Technically I was crippled for around a year before I could recover back to full health.

Gerard on the other hand suffered many injuries alike mine as well as well as having a rather large throbbing purple bruise on his stomouch from the impact and the wheel hitting the same place over and over again. He also had a rather large scar across the side of his neck that would probably never fade.

The rest of the boys blamed me for his injuries, but I know as soon as gerard felt able, he would explain what truly happened - because I couldn't

Or would he?


Hey guys :) just an explanatation of there injuries and you won't be getting much in Audreys pov unless it's a thought chapter (for obvious reasons) so it will give me an opportunity to explain maybe how mikey and ray feel on the situation :) - Meg

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