Raining Highlighters?

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I strutted towards Belleville high school, clothes fresh, hair straightened and nail polish gleaming. The stares from cheerleaders and geeks alike was enough to scare the most fearless of people but I was clearly acustomed to it.

"name?" the grey haired secretary behind the chipping desk asked in a sour way "Bon- Audrey lee" I smiled as if the confused look that had momentarily passed my face subsided as did hers

"here's a map, your schedule and a locker key now pass this note to each of your teachers, get them to sign it and pass it back at the end of the day, capishe?" she mumbled typing furiously into the keyboard infront of her, I nodded "only donkeys nod their heads sweetie"

she smirked leaving me in mild shock before the bell signalled and I rushed along pulling the map out like the complete noob I was. My sneakers sqeaked loudly as I turned the last corridoor towards my first lesson - English.

Everyone looked up from there usual banter, and I blushed furiously cussing underneath my breath "oh look just what we needed - a new style of trash" a small blonde girl strutted towards me, her hips jutting as she walked in an attempt to look the least bit beautiful but failed miserably.

"her hair looks like she got caught in a rainstorm of highlighters AND to make It worse the bitch has got the most trashy shoes I have ever seen" she pointed down towards the converse that gerard had passed me and waited for the other girls agreement.

"bitch, firstly If you knew how much these shoes are worth you'd CLEARLY be appologising, second at least I don't look like I caught in an explosion in the orange department of a crayon factory and thirdly life is better with colours not short skirts, boob tubes and bleach blonde hair now if I were you I'd move before I slap that fake face of yours that hard that I'll have to wake you up when September ends - and yes, that was a green day referance" I grinned as her dazed face moved aside letting me into the lesson before the warning bell rang.

"umm... I was told to give you this to sign I've just mov-" "ahh! You must be Audrey, I'm Mrs Tarson please take a seat at the back and here is your excercise book for this year" she ranted smiling like a mad woman.

I walked sheepishly towards the back sitting next to what seemed to be a thin framed girl, with black hair and a justin beiber t-shirt on "hey I'm Lennon" she smiled putting her hand out for me to shake, which I took gratefully.

"you might wanna hide the way you look around the cheer squad they get pretty bummed out with 'different' girls" she whispered "this" she pointed to the baggy tshirt "is a disguise, secretely I love all things rock" she admitted "meh, fuck'em I they got that bummed they'd make a legal complaint"

Just then, the girl from the coridoor strode in chewing gum worse than gerard - now, that was bad. "ah... Miss Tia Wright, how lovely of you to join us!" mrs tarson shouted sarcastically "sorry, if some little scene hadn't of walked right in front of me and backsassed me that much that I had to go and re-apply my make-up I woulnt have been so late" she spat unknowingly as she talked pulling her skirt up.

"right, skirt pulled down, make-up off and for gods sake change the colour of your bra people can plain see from a mile away!" she pointed, stating all the obvious things, tia rolled her eyes and sat down.

I could tell this would be the start of a truly fantastic year! (sarcasm intended!)



Hey, meg here hope you enjoyed there'll be more soon!

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