I'm So Very Sickened Now

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Okay so before I starrt this off, some of you may be extremely confused. You were all probably like WHAT YOU SAID THAT THIS IS DISCONTINUED ASDJDKLK. Yeah, well, not the same person here.

I'm BitterVengenza, aka, Genesis. I shall be continuing this, because the original author let me. So,...enjoy. I hope I do a great job like her.

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~Gerard's POV~

The anger built up in the car ride back home was louder than words ever could be.

Bonnie wasn't anywhere in the hospital. We looked in the cafeteria and the children's ward and we even terrorized nurses into giving information that they didn't have. Everyone was angry for different reasons. Reasons I wasn't sure of.

I knew Frank was mad at Bonnie because he thought she was being an attention seeking, disasterous brat. But Frank's just...Frank. I don't expect him to change his mind about her.

I'm mad that we all drove her into running away. I mean, one  second we had calmed down enough to have a conversation about Wembley, and now she was mute and AWOL.

And now the guys have reduced to blaming her. Blaming her for the car crash. Blaming Audrey for them being angry at her.

It sickened me.

The look in her eyes, the terror flashing in her irises when the cars collided, it was engraved in my head. It was a permanent memory. It was as if it was the wallpaper of my Brain, that everywhere I looked was her face, terror and blame and unspoken agony written all over her features.

"A million dollars for what? A kid who just does whatever the fuck she wants. Who does she think she is?" Frank muttered to himself, one hand on the steering wheel, his mouth working endlessly at forming curses directed toward Bonnie.

I moved to scratch my arm and hit my hand against my cast instead. Fuck. How was I supposed to perform with a cast? What was I supposed to say?

"Oh hey MCRmy, ignore my multiple injuries, it's just the product of a car incident I was in with my mute child slave whose whereabouts I don't know"?

Yeah, I'm sure that'll play along smoothly.

The car jolted to a stop and Ray grunted behind me. We were in our driveway but none of us got out of the car. Finally, I sighed and unlocked my door, feeling their gazes burning into me. I couldn't get out, because my crutches were in the back with Mikey, so I waited as he hauled his small frame to my side, and helped me out.

Once we settled inside the house, the guys went to work in checking the crevices and corners for Audrey. I heard clutter and thunks and couldn't help but wonder where she'd run to. Whether she was safe. Whether she had seeked help from someone else. My stomach churned at the thought, for some reason.

The rest of the guys busted into the room, distressed. "Couldn't find her?" I asked.

"Nope." Frank answered, angry, but that's not new. "We're going to look around the local area a little. The mall, the movies. The school. We'll be back late tonight. We'll call you if anything happens."

I nodded a little, feeling like I should be part of this search more than anyone. I cared about her safety more than they did. She would show up if I called for her. But they would scare her into hiding more than she already was.

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