Saved by the (door) bell...

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Stuff p13

Audrey's pov aawww :(

As I turned around the corner, I faced gerard who as at the time leaning casually against the wall with his hands in his pockets.

I squared my shoulders trying in the least bit to my make myself look taller. Futile!

I continued to walked down the corridoor, trying to stride but failing miserably. Before I knew it I was falling full force towards the ground with no sense of feeling at all. I'd clearly been tripped over as far as I was concerned.

"karma's a bitch. Remember that" gerard looked down my nose at me, clearly acting as his face pained when he saw tears forming in my eyes but his face soon glistened with confidence as he strutted in his usuall sassy matter.

I was lying on the floor just waiting to be kicked by any one of the phsyco men that owned this house - I couldn't move

"bitch get up!" a familiar voice shouted from down the narrow corridoor that connected the music room to gerards room "I... Can't!?" I struggled helplessly but my ankle felt numb and unwilling to do anything.

"GET UP!" he shouted louder "I told you I fucking can't!" I argued showing him my leg which by this time had swelled to the size of a toaster, no lie.

"I've asked nicely, you ignored me" he lingered closer towards me coiling his fingers around my neck like a

Snake suffocating his prey "I'm sick of you misbehaving" he spat, venom in his words

A shreak of pain escaped my chapped lips in one last hope of freedom, that someone would save me from the pain that i knew I was bound to feel. The cause of that? - Frank.

"no-one's home sweetie, shout all you want to, once again I'm stuck in one of those situations - there's a lot of things I could do to you" he smirked deviously making me remember the day I truly hoped to forget.

"your lucky I'm not in the mood for sex otherwise you know what would have happened" he snorted

throwing himself on me, he dropped sloppy and un-needed kisses across my cheeks and down my neck.

I kicked him half-hartedly in the balls, thinking he deserved every second of pain that could be forced upon him, i muttered exaclty that, so low infact that anyone else walking by would swear I was a mad woman.

The door bell rang only seconds after the little 'incident'. Saved by the bell - the mother-fucking doorbell!


Hey! So... It's been a while and I'm sorry about that and I'm also sorry about the shortness of the chapter!

Got a lot on my plate at home and all so what you see is what you get

Once again, sincerest apologies - meg •,,• <--- vampire ;)

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