A kiss goodnight? A pray of hope?

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Gerards POV

I ached, but I knew I was bound to. The only thing that mattered was bonnie, I couldn't see her - where was she? In fact If I thought about it, I couldn't hear a thing, see a thing or move an inch.

What have I done to her? I hope she's okay, WAIT what the fuck am I talking about we've just been involved in something so severe that were lucky to be alive! What if she's dead?! Though these thoughts swam through my mind, something in the back of my head told me that it was her fault.

"G-Gerard?" A familiar voice stuttered "Huh? F-frank? Frank!" he smiled weakly knowing someone was finally there to answer his questions "is bonnie ok?" I quizzed "for fucks sake Gerard, is that all you care about, all it is lately is Audrey this, Audrey that! We all fucking hate it! Audrey's fine but I wished she'd rot in hell!" frank shouted, to which my mouth was left ajar.

Bonnie was behind that curtain, I could tell, she had been listening in the whole time, listening to franks voice escalate in rage every time I tryed to talk back, ask him why.

"Bonnie, I know your there sweetie please come out I wanna see you" I mumbled hoping she's somehow magically understand but I highly doubted that would happen. "wadaya want gerard huh? A kiss goodnight? A pray of hope?" bonnie asked from behind the curtains

"well, either way your not getting it, because waiting all that time for someone to come aroud kills people, and I think I'm just about dead an buried! I can't even look at you! I'm scared just incase you've somehow 'drastically changed' or horribly disfigured yourself during that accident and by the way I hope your happy, seeing your friends again and all because I'll never be able to see mine, halfway across the FUCKING WORLD!" she raised her voice, seemingly weak compared to franks earlier rant

"go get some sleep, your probably tired - I know I am! I wake up and boom! Is

It 'pick on gerard day or something?" I asked rhetorically "something like that" she mumbled from the outside

"Hello Gerard, I'm your nurse but please, do call me Lyn-Z!" the girl, around my age smiled warmly her black hair tied back tightly into a ponytail and her nails painted red

"Now, I'm just going to administer some Valium so you can get an easy nights rest, ok?" she fumbled with the needle, wait, wait, wait - NEEDLE! NO WAY IN HÓSE was I having a NEEDLE! "N-nurse? Lyn-Z? Please I don't do needles i'm really sorry but-"

"No worries Mr Way, your brother said something about needles before and the other guys laughed, I thought It was a joke! I do apologise!" she flushed a dark pink and left sceptically "Hey mikey!" I Shouted, and within the same second he ran through the curtains "W-what is it? Are you okay?are you dead? Oh shit your dead aren't you, guy-" "MIKEY, IM NOT DEAD BUT YOU WILL BE SOON IF YOU DONT STFU!" I screamed, metaphorical steam seeping through my ears "all I was gonna say was - yanoo what? Forget it!" I seethed

"Guys, Audrey ran off!" frank shot through the curtain "I turned around for two seconds and BOOM! She was gone!" he explained, all to fast to be understood.


as promised, it's good to be back! X

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