Scene kid or gay pride (dedicated to Georgia one of 2 bffls :) )

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After several days of torture, I scrubbed up nicely (according to mikey anyways) I looked in the mirror in the left corner of my room

my new hairstyle lay straight over my head and the skinny jeans, red tee and red converse made me feel... Fresh.

'A fresh start' I mused "hey B?" gerard shouted innocentely, which meant something bad was sure to happen, I paced downstairs contemplating the possible outcomes of what was to come

"there's no easy way to explain this other than your too young to leave behind a perfectly good education so, your going to public school for a while... If you don't like you could always drop out but..." he winced waiting for me to clip him one around the head as my nan always used to say.

"it's fine" I sighed "I'll... Have fun? I suppose" I half smiled "when do I start?" I smiled kind of excited by the thought of school "tomorrow!" smiled gerard once again waiting for me to hit him on the head.

"I... Got you a present" mikey smiled, all of a sudden becoming shy as he handed me a small bag. I pulled out a small shiny iPhone "oh my gosh! Eeep thank you SO much!" I squeeled

"and i did to" frank smirked handing a large bag "gosh it feels like my birthday" I blushed opening to reveal a backpack with mutli-coloured graffiti around the sides

"and me!" ray smiled handing me a new tee with rainbow dinosuars scattering the front "are you guys trying to turn me into a scene kid? Pink hair, rainbow bag, rainbow clothes... Or am i just supporting gay pride?" (<---- dedicated to Georgia!) I laughed and they joined in with till the point we were all in tears.

"one last one!" gerard shouted, wiping tears of laughter of his face passing me a converse box "now no-one at the school will know about the.... Let's say 'fostering' and your name will be changed by deedpoll any day soon to the name Audrey lee, if you dont like it i apologise but thats all w could muster" he mumbled incoherently

The box contained a pair of White high tops with all of their signatures across the sides "wow! I feel I debt to you guys... Thank you"


Sorry it's short! School had started once again and a you guys know... School start and so does the homework! But... Enjoy oh and when the chapter is just info like the last and this one too - the music will just be what I listened to when writing :P

Sold! To The Sexy Red-Head! (An MCR Fan-Fiction/Slave Romance)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon