Chapter 1

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The only thing I remember was waking up in a hospital room. There was some people there, I think the nurses, and as soon as they notest that I was awake they came worried to see me.

"Are you all right? Do you feel something?" They asked in a rush.

"What? What happened?" I was confused and really tired, tubes conected to my body were also conected to one of those hospitals monitors with that "beep" sound, it's making me insane. The nurses looked at each other unsure and one of them nodded to the other.

"You had a car accident three days ago and just woke up now" The young woman said carefully. I widened my eyes and covered my mouth with my hand in horror, I already could feel the tears popping out my eyes and the words left her mouth.

"Oh my god! What happened? Who bought me here? Does my family knows?" I asked souding desesperate, well I should be, I was in a damn car accident.

"Dear you need to rest now, the doctor will talk with you later" The nurse gave me a sweet smile and I nodded returning her the best one I could afford by know. My mind was in a rush making infinite questions about the whole car crash thing, the right opposite of my body that was exausted even after tree days out, a few minutes later my mind finally gives up and I fall asleep.

"Hello, I am doctor Winchester" He shol my hand friendly. Minutes of silence fields the room as the doctor examinated a few papers in his hands and I looked around the cold white room.

"So now we'll talk casually to make sure everything it's fine" He broke the silence looking now at me and I nodded frowning.

"Well, whats your name?" He asked. I know my name I'm not


"That's a beautiful name, how old are you Anna?" The doctor asked taking notes.

"Thanks... I'm twenty eight" I answered not sure where all this talk would take to.

"What's the last thing you remember?" He asked waiting me to answer back, but for that question I needed to think a bit more.

"Well, I was going to the airport" I started and thought harder to try making the memories from tree days ago apper in my brain "To visit my parents in Brazil because I just moved here to London"

"Keep going, you're doing great" He nodded for me to proced. I've already read books, seen the movies, watch the news, I know how this comma thing works and it absolutely terrifies me the ideia of loosing my memory for some stupid crash, so I forse my brain to bring the memories back and spit them from my mouth.

"Then I distract myself a little and all I remember was seeing a car comming in my way!" I said to the doctor sounding almost excited even though I was a little just to now that I still can remember things.

"Well Anna your exames are good and there is no need to be worried, you'll recover soon, you just hitted your head and now needs to rest. I'll give you the pain killers you'll need later" Doctor Winchester told me looking through some kind of profile and then smiled at me. I nodded, just hear him say that I'll be all right makes me more than relieved, and when I come back to reality he's almost reaching the door to leave.

"Wait!" I almost shouted.

"Something wrong?" The doctor answered carefully and concerned when he walked back near my bed.

"I want to know how I got here" What the hell Anna? Ask something serious, I knew I didn't have much time questioning him as he must be very busy but that was the first it popped in my mind and it just came out my mouth.

"A man brought you here, around your age" He told me. I barely know people in London so I suppose it was just a kind man that saw a needed girl and decided helping.

"Can the hospital contact him and tell him that I'm thankful?" I ask and the doctor frowns.

"I thought it was your boyfriend because he was all worried when he came with you in his arms"

Well that's awkward.

"Yeah but... I don't have any boyfriend" I said confused.

"So he really likes you because he stayed here the whole time" My chin dropped as I heard the words. It was okay bringing me here, for helping me, but stay here is more of a big deal. The gut sleept in a hospital for three days for a girl that he doesn't even knows, oh God.

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