Cap 23

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Cap 23

*2 weeks for the wedding*

Everything it's planed and organized for the wedding, it will be here in London at Eddies parents spring house, just for family a small remembrance. I choose with Eddies help as the principal color blue, he sayed that he looks good in blue. I totaly agree with that. I let him choose the cake, I think it's fine, he has good tast and he knows very well mine. I don't realy care for any of those things, I just want to marry the man I love and be with him foverer.

Well today I'm gonna find a wedding dress with my mom "By honey see you soon" I yelled to Eddie when I was about to leave "Wait!" he came running with a tooth brush in his mouth "What is that Eddie" I laughted "Why can't I go with you?" he said with a puppy face "Becausee it's unlucky, and don't do this puppy face to me Edward" I said pointing my finger to his face and then kissing him "Okay okay" he said giving up "Yeah, see you at night I'll have lunch with my mom" I said already out side de appartment "And we dinner with my parents, bye honey" he said closing the door slowly.

"Hi mom, let's go?" I said when I met her at the street "Helloo baby ,yeah" she said hugging me. We were in the best wedding dress store in town "Reservations ma'am?" the recepcionist said "Yeah it's Anna Redmayne " I said pround. I needed to use his last name because the line was enormous and beeing a "redmayne" it's faster "Follow me ma'am" the lady said introducing me to another womam "Hello ladys I'm Amanda and I'll help you to find THE dress" she said smiling and excited, I liked her. I put some dresses and all of them my mom sayed it was "the one", but when I put the dress that I tought was "the one" . My mother saw the sparkle in my eyes, stand up, and said "This is THE ONE dear" and start clap her hands with tears in her eyes. Amanda clap her hands too.I began to laught and cry at the same time, if this is even possible "Yeah mom, that's enough and yes...this IS the dress" I said to my mother and Amanda.

After lunch with my mom I went to my appartment...well Eddies actualy, our appartmenf now. "Honey I'm homeeee" I yelled when I arrived "Heyy baby, how was there? You found a dress?" He asked grabbing my waist and carrying me to the couch "Awesome, I found the one" I tould him excited.

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