Cap 20

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Cap 20

We were in the lobby, with holding hands, standing side by side "Ready to go?" he asked me "I was born ready" I said cheeky, he smiled "So let's go". We could see the people out side the biulding while walking to the street, as soon as we were out the people start taking pictures, screaming Eddie's name and asking for autographs. Eddie couldn't attend everyone so he hold me tight, looked to just one camera and said the exact words " I know you all are asking to yourselfs if what I said yesterday it's true, and...well" he said smiling to the ground and then continued "Yeah it is, I love this beautiful lady over here and I want to everyone know that I want to be with her forever and..." Eddie said laying on one knee and asking" Anna, will you marry me?" I was shocked, Eddie was realy doing that and infront of all this unknown people, it was perfect that moment. I stared at my ring for a while and finally said "Of course Eddie!" He was so happy that kissed me passionately totaly forgetting about the cameras "Well squires, have a good day " he said smiling to the cameras and going away with me. The people were so shocked that didn't even follow us, I was still shocked but so happy, we walked to the starbucks ,got our coffes and sat

"So Anna, you're gonna be Miss Redmayne soon, how do you fell about it?" he said making his hand as a microphone like I was on a interview.I laughted "Yeahh I'm very excited and hope Eddie's too" "He definitely is" he said winking at me and drinking a sip of his coffe "I have a surprise at home" he continued "What is it?" I ask curioused " I can't tell you!" he said "So let's go to your appartment?" I said excited "You realy wanna know what is it right?" "Yeaaaah" "Alright so let's go love" he said taking my hand and walking to the street.

We got in the appartment and I smiled at him with puppy eyes "Don't do that to me" he said giggling "So tell me the surprise" I begged "Close your eyes and wait here" he said while I closed my eyes and hear his steps go away and after a bit come back "You can open now" Eddie said.When I opened my eyes Eddie was on his knee with a little box in his hand "What it's this Eddie? you already proposed me" I said smiling "Yeah but now with a ring... So Anna will you marrie me?" he said opening the box that had the exact same ring he gave before but with a little dimond on it "Oh my god Eddie, it's the ring..." he cut me off stand up and kissed me hard. "This is an other surprise" ge said. I laughed and kissed him again. I started to unbutton his shirt, he kissed his neck and I moan.

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