Cap 5

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Cap 5
He is such a great guy and all the way home we has nice to me. Now I was at home waiting for his call, excited for maybe seeing him again but worried about an other disappointment like my last boyfriend. The phone rings and I jump at it like I'm desperate "Hello??" "Hii my dear! I was so worried about you! Your father and I heard about the accident two days ago but we couldn't talk to you" "Oh hi mom, I'm sorry I was in a comma for 3 days, I woke up today, but It's ok, I'm fine, a friend of my took me to the hospital and now I'm home" I continued "Oh darling I was so worried but I'm glad you're fine now, I'll tell you're dad you won't work for a few days " "Ok mom, thanks! bye" "Goodbye dear" As soon as I hang up the phone it rang again, probally it was my mom, she always forgets to say something "Hi mom,what did you forgoy now?" "Hmm Anna? It's Eddie" He said a little bit confused "Oh my god, I'm sorry I tought it was my mother" I said embarrassed "That's okay " he giggled "I was wondering if you want to come here, so you won't be alone while you can't go out and work" he continued "hummm...ok, It would be great" "Ohh excellent, I'll be there in 30 minutes" Eddie said excited

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