Cap 8

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Cap 8

In the way home we talked a lot and get to know each other even more. "So Anna, I had a great time today and I can't wait for tomorow" he said holding my hand. I blushed "I had a great time too Eddie, you're amazing" He was getting close and about to kiss me when I turn my face "Hmm Eddie it's not that I don't like you, but I fell that I need to know you better" "It's ok Anna you are worth it" I smiled "So bye Eddie" "bye beautiful" I look at him giddy and waved a goodbye to him. I was on the clouds at home, Eddie was perfect. He is so cute and lovely, I love to spend time with him. I went to sleep all happy.

*Eddie's POV*

Anna is so nice, I think I really like her but I can't srew it all. My relationship with my ex girlfriend Hannah didn't go very well, I think I felt for her to fast. I'm a little bit confused, everytime I try to kiss her something happends or she dosen't want to, maybe I'm being to fast. I don't know, does she knows about everything? No no it can not be, she can't know about what really happened. She would never talk to me again...and that can't happend.

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