Cap 26

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Cap 26

I woke up and fell dizzy, Eddie is looking at me worried and help he stand up "What happened?" I ask him felling a little headache " You faint" he said worried "Do you fell okay?" he continued "Yeah I'm fine now" I said walking with him to the dancefloor.

The night was over and we had already pack to Hawaii "Bye momm, bye dad" I said hugging them while Eddie said godbye to his parents. We were at the airport when a lady calls our flight"Are you ready baby?" he asked me "Of course I am" I awnsered. The flight was fine and the hotel was amazing, we stayed at the honeymoon room and all the time there we rarely leaft the room. Eddie is so kind and cute with me, I realy enjoy our trip to Hawaii. But now I fell more nause, I don't know what's happening, but I guess it's okay. We leave tomorrow.

He got home. I was exausted, so went running to the room took my shoes off and jumped on the bed. Eddie came see me and start laught "What is it Edward?" I said in a sleepy voice "Nothing you just cute like that, sleepy" he said laughting low and looking to me and them to the ground "Haha, very funny" I said going to the bathroom. Was there when I looked to my little bag and said nervously "Eddie honey come here" "What? Something wrong?" he said nottesting my jitters "What day is today baby?" I asked expecting not to hear the day...and he says worried "29,why?" "Oh my god, I'm late" I said taking deep breahts and walking through the appartment "That's why I was sick these days" I continued "What do you mean Anna?" Eddie said confused while following me, I turned to him and look in the eyes. I grab his hand and put on my belly and said "I'm pregnant Edward"

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