Cap 18

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Cap 18

We were at the street of his appartment and we could hear some sreams "Oh my god I hope it's not" and before he finish the sentence we saw a few of fans infront of his building, with posters and sreaming his name "Oh my god Eddie" I said laughting "Stop laughting Anna, we are in trouble" he said looking around and them throwing his head back with his hands on the face"Relax baby it's not a big deal, right?" I said "I realy love my fans but these ones" he looked to them and continued "Will jump on me, they are crazy" "Well we need to go some time" I said thinking how to get in the appartment "I think it's better we just go and you talk with them" I continued "Yeah" he said parking the car. We got my bags and holding hands he said "Let's go?" I smiled and nodded to him with the head. As soon as the girls saw Eddie they sreamed like I've never heard before, they ran to us and start making Eddie questions.

I could see he wasn't counfortable with the situation but was trying to be nice with them "Wait a minute!" I screamed making all of them shut up "Let him breath girls, he'll answer all your questions" I continued. Eddie was surprised by my attitude "And who do you think you are?"one of the girls said looking at me and then Eddie with a minx face, I got mad and nervous, I didn't knew if Eddie wanted to announce our relationship so I just looked at him and he nodded with the head "This beautiful lady it's my girlfriend" he said grabbing my waist close to him and smiling. I was pround of him and thrilled, he officially announced our relationship and now isin't a secret anymore. The girls were shocked, all of them speechless "Bu..but how?when?what?!" one of them finaly said, and I smiled "Yeah that's right, I'm in love with this woman and here girls" Eddie said autographing some posters and a photo "Thank you for beeing here, love you guys" he continued, walking away with me and waving to them, and without he nottest I turn my head around and mande a cheeky face to them.

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