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The next weeks Eddie and I were hanging out a lot and loving each others company, I couldn't be happier. We were at my appartment, layed on the couch watching tv and he said "Hey Anna, we've been dating for a mounth now and I need to tell you something of what happened when we met..." and before he continued my phone rings "Sorry Eddie just one secund, hello?" "Hello Anna? It's Carol your sister!" I love my sister but some times she mess up with my life, Carol dosen't has a home, she travells the world with her stupid boyfriend and our parents money, sleeping were they can. "Hi Carol whats up?" "So... Me and Richard need a place to stay for a few days before going to Africa next week, pleaseee can you help me?" "Oh my god Carol, shit" Eddie was looking at me worried, he knew something was wrong

"Okay Carol, you can stay at home, the keys are under the carpet" "Okk thank you so much sis love ya byy" "by Carol" "I' so sorry Eddie, what were you saying?" "We can talk later, are you okay? You seen worried, what happened?" he said "Oh nothing..." I said bothered "Come on Anna you can tell me anything, don't you trust me?" he said hugging me "Of course I do, it's that my sister Carol aaaaaah she dries me crazy" I said up "Calm down beatiful, it's gonna be fine" he said trying to hush me "No it's not, Carol whants to stay at my place with her stupid boyfriend fora week, or who knows more " I said nervous "Anna baby, you can stay here the time you whant" he said conforting me "Can I? Won't I mess your life?" I said felling a tear ran down my face "Of course not love, it will be fun and we can spend even more time together" he said smiling at me "Yeahh it would be great Eddie" I said brighter

"Let's get your stuf and go now, we can organize your things and after have dinner in a great restaurant near home" he said standing up and giving me a hand all excited. I turn on the radio and bouth of us started to sing and pack my things, we always have fun together "Hey Eddie give me that shirt and pants over there please" I said still packing "Yeah sure" he said. Eddie trow the clothes on the bed and creep up on me by behind, he start to kiss my neck, them my lips and gave me a hickey, I closed my eyes and moan "Eddie..." I said with my eyes still closed "Hmm" he said between the kisses "We need to pack" I said turning around and giggling "Okay" he said upset. The bags were in the car and we were ready to go "Let's go baby?" he said starting the car "Yeah".

Crash hearts(Eddie Redmayne fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن