Cap 13

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Cap 13

I woke up half a hour before my date with Eddie! I had so much to do, so I ran to the kitchen made a toast went eating to the bathroom and took a fast shower. I was wearing my favourite pair of blue jeans, a pink halter and my black vans. Put my hair in a bun and mascara, I was ready to go. I saw Eddie distractive in the lobby and go running to him "Hey Eddie!" I said hugging him by behind "Oh my god Anna, you realy scared me haha" he said taking a deep breath "Oh relax baby, let's go?" I said smiling and nodding to the car "Yeah let's go" Eddie said smirking. We got in the car and turn on the radio, it was playing my jam! I love that music, but it was a girl's song, something Eddie would never like it, so I started sing low. I think he notest, because he started to laught "What Eddie? I can't sing my favourite music anymore?" I said embarrassed but with a cheeky face "Of course you can" he said with an ironic smile "I'm sorry if my voice it's not perfect like your's Mr. Pontmercy" I said with a teasing smile, he laughted and after a few minutes recomposing himself he just catched my hand and kiss it "And that's because I love you Anna" he said smiling but still paying atention on the roud "Oh Eddie" I said giggling "We arrived, it's here" he said parking the car next to a forest "What's this Eddie?" I said confused "You'll see" he said with a cheeky face and getting a basket on the back seat of the car. We walked for a while with holding hands and finally arrived at a beautiful field, with a lot of trees that were making shadows on the ground and a lake! It's so beautiful and romantic "Oh my god Eddie...this is so beautiful" I said realy amazed and hugging him, I didn't know what to say... He realy knows how to surprise a girl "I'm so happy you like it" he said smiling and kissing me "Come on" he continued taking my hand and showing me a beautiful picnic table with a pizza and some straberries with chocolate "You planed all this alone?" I ask mesmerized "Yeahh, for you" he said looking into my eyes and smiling.

Crash hearts(Eddie Redmayne fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora