Cap 14

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Cap 14

It was everything perfect, but why did he likes me? Why me?This doesn't makes sense. Why is he datting me if he could date actress and models? I can't let a man like this go away "Are you hungry?" He asks "I'm starving" I reply, we both laught. After eating he says "I bought you something Anna" "What is it?" I ask curioused "Close your eyes..." I closed my eyes and waited. I feel something in my hands, I open it, it's a black box tied with a golden ribbon "Open it" he said excited "I hope you like" he continued, I open the box. It's a ring,a gorgeous ring, silver"Eddie! That's stunning, it might have been expensive..." I said mesmerized "Don't worry about that Anna" "Thank you so much Eddie" I said before start kissing him "Now look inside the ring" he said excited, I looked and was engraved in the ring "I love you". I was shocked, Eddie really

loves me. This was the cuttest thing someone have ever made for me "Oh Eddie I love you too, so much, but I didn't knew that you feel the same thing" I said with tears on my eyes "Since the first day I saw you I knew that you were special for me" he said holding my hand and smiling. I couldn't belive this was happening, I couldn't be more happy. We were kissing, and I could feel the passion, the closeness of our bodys. He land me on the grass, we couldn't be able to stop kissing, I took his shirt of "Hey Anna, wanna swim?" "Sure" I said with my cheeky face. I took of my halter, my shoes, then my pants and so did he. We were complitely undress

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