Chapter 1

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January 1839

I laid in bed with Albert, resting my head on his chest. It felt like he had just came home and now he must leave in just a few days. My heart was being ripped in two. I hated that he had to leave again, I felt so lonely while he was gone. Katrina and Henry had been preoccupied with preparing for their baby, Mama was obsessing over my next season. Uncle Edgar and Aunt Bridie were planning their wedding for the upcoming spring. All the while, my brothers were being educated by their tutor, I was confined to the limits of the house.

"Abby, I know you are not sleeping." Albert moaned, tightening his arms around me. "Tell me what's happening inside that head of yours."

"I do not want you to leave, Albie." I whispered into his chest. "It feels as if you came home just yesterday."

"I do not want to leave you either, Abby, but I do not have a choice. Papa expects me to be well educated when it comes time for me to take over for him." Albert said, rubbing my back. "I will be home for the summer. I will escort you to every ball of the season, I promise."

"I will not be having a season, Albert. Not after last season. It was humiliating." I whispered. Albert kissed my head softly, remaining quiet for a moment. The both of us know that it is unlikely I would ever marry in the aristocracy. I was a burden to anyone and everyone. Not to mention the possibility I could never bear children.

"Abby, you must stop thinking like that." Albert murmured into my hair. "I want to see you married before we turn twenty-two. I want a niece as beautiful as my sister within nine months of the wedding. Am I clear?"

"Yes sir." I teased, snuggling his chest. "I am famished."

"Shall you join me in an adventure to the kitchen? I am positive Mrs. Smith left us something." Albert said, climbing out of my bed. He secured his robe around his waist as I slowly made my way into a sitting position. Albert crouched down and I climbed onto his back so he could carry me. My back had been horrible over the past few days, I could hardly stand without feeling pain.

Albert quietly snuck out of my room and down the hall to the stairs. The house looked creepy at night. The windows let the moon light shine into the house, making it feel abandoned. Albert reached the bottom of the stairs and grabbed a candle that we kept for late night excursions. After reaching in his pocket for a match and a quick flick of his wrist against the wall, the flame ignited and the candle was lit.

"What are we craving, darling Abby?" Albert asked as he walked towards the kitchen.

"Something sweet." I whispered in his ear. Albert chuckled as he walked on, pausing when he saw a window open.

"Abby, stay here." Albert said, lowering me to my feet. He placed an empty candle holder in my hands and kissed my forehead. "I want you to hit anyone who comes past you with this, unless it is me. I am going on ahead to the kitchen. Call for me if anything happens."

"Be careful!" I called after Albert as he left the dining room and went towards the kitchen. It was barely moments after he left when I heart rustling from the far corner of the room.

"Who goes there?" I asked. "I have a pistol and I know how to use it." I lied. The rustling continued, making me more and more nervous. I cautiously shuffled towards the noise, every step sending searing pain up my back.

"Show yourself now and no harm will come of you." I bargained. I forced myself to stop walking at the edge of the dining table, griping the candle stick in one hand and Papa's chair with the other. "Please, if is money you want, I can give you my earrings, if it is food, we shall give you some."

"Please don't hurt me." A woman said in a small voice. "Victor said to hide if I heard footsteps."

"I won't hurt you." I said, inching closer to her. "I just want you to sit in Papa's chair with your hands on the table." The woman stood with her head hung low as she walked over to the chair.

"I am sorry, Miss. Victor and I have been without food and shelter for months. We were desperate for something to nourish us and keep us from the cold." She said, a hint of a Scottish accent peeking through her words.

"Who is Victor?" I asked softly. I gripped the back of the chair as my legs began to shake. I needed Albert.

"Albie," I cried out, lowering myself to my knees. "I need you!"

"Abby!" He yelled, dragging a man behind him. I collapsed onto my back as my brother and the two intruders crowded around me. "What happened. Abby?"

"It hurts." I whimpered, feeling my back seize. I opened my mouth to scream, but I could barely muster a squeak. I felt a pair of hands touch my side, attempting to roll me over.

"Do not touch her, you thief!" Albert snarled, slapping his hands away.

"I know what to do, sir. I have a medical degree." The man retorted back. I cried out as the man turned me over, fighting the urge to pass out.

"Albie," I mumbled closing my eyes, succumbing to the pain.






Hello lovelies!

I know, kind of a crappy first update. I have been so behind updating this series its not even funny. I will dedicate my free time (when I finally get some) to updating this book.

Please check out Witches a new story that will be coming soon. I will work on Breaking Bailey.

I have to apologize for being so on and off with this site the past several months. School and work have been consuming my life, but don't you worry. I will find time for my readers and my works.

Happy Easter!

Lots of Love,


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