Chapter 17

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I ached greater than ever before. Nausea rolled over me in waves while complimented by sporadic spasms cursed my back. Aunt Penelope had stayed with me through the night, rising with me nearly every hour or so. Penelope was so kind and helpful, but also insisted on staying away from the trial. I had to be there, I just had to. Penelope was able to help me dress and amble to the front room, where Papa and Robert were whispering over their coffee.

"Good morning, Papa, Robert," I grunted, lowering myself into the empty settee. My stomach clenched, causing my teeth to grind together. Robert's trained eyes scanned my face for any signs of pain. I bit my tongue, stroking my stomach to ease my nerves.

"Abby, please tell me you've reconsidered going today. We know you've been up most of the night, we could hear you." Robert stated, crossing his arms.

"I am going, Robert, and that is final. I will not abandon my husband when he needs me most." I snapped. Robert's jaw tensed as he stood before me.

"You are so bloody foolish, Abby! Do you have any regard for your health? Or even the health of your baby?" I had never seen Robert so enraged over my health before. I did not know if Victor was behind his reasoning, but this was not his decision to make. It was mine.

"I do not know what has come over you, Robert, but it is unbecoming of a doctor and a father. Never in my life have you ever used such vulgar language towards me, and you will stop it this instant." I demanded, cupping my stomach. "You wouldn't speak to Louisa this way, we both know that." Robert scoffed, throwing his hands in the air.

"I would never ask my pregnant and injured wife to testify on my behalf!" Robert growled. My eyes widened with disbelief. How could he assume the worst of Victor?

"That's where you are wrong," I uttered. "He never asked me to do this. The only thing Victor ever asked me was to trust him. That's all I ask of you, Robert."

"I trust you, Abby. I always have. It's Victor who I do not believe. I don't believe the tale he's spun, but you asked me to help, so here I am." Robert confessed, returning to his seat. Papa's worried face did nothing to ease me, but at least he would understand.

"The trial starts in a few hours, will you manage until then, Abby?" Papa asked as he peered at his timepiece. I nodded, shifting my gaze to Aunt Penelope as she came around with a light breakfast for us.


I wanted to vomit. The ground swayed under my feet, making my walk even more wobbly. Papa kept his arm around my waist as we neared our seats. This was all real now, no longer excited chatter that I had heard for nearly a year. It was time to decide the fate of my husband, and I could hardly keep myself together. I thought I was hallucinating when Albert and Helen stood to welcome our small entourage.

"Oh, Abby!" Helen exclaimed, gathering me into her arms. "I am here for you, sister. I rode all night so I could be here on time. How are you feeling?"

"Nauseous, Helen," I mumbled in her ear. "I don't want to make a mess of things today."

"Nonsense, Albert and I will be here, we'll ground you while you testify." Helen kissed my cheek as she led me to our row. I ungracefully plopped myself into the aisle seat as Victor's lawyers approached us from the pit. I watched as Papa and Robert marched over to Mr. Cromwell and his associate, conversing in hushed whispers. If I had had the strength, I would have joined them. I could barely stand on my own today.

The whole gallery was nearly filled by the time Papa and Robert came back to our row. Robert barely looked at me as he took his seat next to Albert. Papa crouched before me, stroking my cheek lightly.

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