Chapter 16

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I waited in agony as Victor's lawyer traveled back and forth between home and London. My beloved was sitting in a dirtied cell, surrounded by heathens and those who had killed innocents. The thought of him freezing at night broke my soul, and yet he always had a letter for me when our lawyer returned. Most of his letters told me fabricated stories of his time spent in jail, sometimes he would write to the Crown, pleading his case to the Queen and Prince Albert. He tried to give me hope, most days it worked.

"Abby, Mr. Cromwell would like to speak with you." Mama poked her head into my room, smiling at Katrina and I. Katrina had the twins on my bed as we attempted to make a new baby blanket. I nodded as I pushed myself from the bed. It had been two months since Victor left. I was nearly eight months pregnant, and against Victor's protests, I was going to be at his trial. If permitted, I would testify on behalf of his character.

"I'll be down in a moment, could you tell Mr. Cromwell and Papa?" I grunted, steadying myself against my four-post bed.

"Perhaps they should come to you, Abby," Katrina suggested.

"No, I can manage the stairs." I protested. Mama had left to notify Papa and Mr. Cromwell as I made my way to the door. Walking became more taxing as my belly grew. Much of my energy went to saving my back from aching. I knew Helen would be waiting for me as I reached the stairs. Mother must have told her first.

"You really shouldn't be going up and down the stairs. Robert said it could induce your labor pains." Helen chided as she wrapped her arm around my waist.

"Then it will make traveling in the carriage easier." I remarked, gripping the hand railing. It took some time, but we managed to reach the bottom of the stairs. "I think I am going to stay downstairs until supper is served, could you tell Mama that?"

"Of course, Abby. Will you be able to make it to the study?" Helen asked, still reluctant to let me go. I smiled at her as I cupped my stomach.

"I will be fine. I assure you that if you hear a crash, you should come to my aid." I patted her hand before moving from her arms. "I promise I will be fine, Helen." Using the nearest wall, I teetered to Papa's study. Slowly and deliberately, I padded on my bare and swollen feet. I could no longer fit into my favorite shoes, nor any of my dresses. Katrina was kind enough to lend me some of her dresses. Everything was taxing to my body. I was lucky to be able to get out of bed most days. I was desperate to see Victor, to testify at his trial, but Robert and Victor were dead set against it.

"Papa," I called as I neared the door. "I am in need of your assistance." My hips hurt beyond belief. Papa emerged from his study, rushing to my aid. With his arm around my waist, we were able to hobble into the study and into a seat.

"Mrs. Gray, how are you fairing?" Mr. Cromwell asked from the corner. I winced as I held my stomach.

"No worse than when I last saw you. How is Victor? Is he alright, are they treating him fairly?" I pried. "Do not say he is fine. It's been nearly three months since I've last seen him. I will not be happy if I have been lied to when I see him next."

"Lieutenant Gray is managing the best he can. Many of the officers at his prison are very loyal to him. Lord Clark is assuring that he is being treated as best as he can." I nodded as I held my stomach. My baby continued to move, readying himself for his arrival. I knew Victor was hoping that the baby would come earlier than we anticipated, so I could not travel. I was determined to go to London, regardless of when the baby arrived.

"When is the trial date? I need to prepare Robert and Louisa for the trip." I stated. Papa chewed on his lips as he neared me.

"That is what we wanted to discuss with you my love." Papa knelt before me and took my hands. "Robert knows that you are in a great deal of pain from the pregnancy, and both Robert and Victor fear that the journey from Avesbury to London would be detrimental to both you and the child. Victor does not wish for you to come, Abby." I closed my eyes as I willed my tears to stay at bay.

"I am going, and that is final. You can tell my husband, Mr. Cromwell, that I will testify on his behalf, even if it means giving birth before the judge and jury. Now when do we leave?" I snapped.

"Two days' time, Mrs. Gray." Mr. Cromwell grinned, moving to my father's desk. "Have you prepared what you will say?" I nodded as I relaxed into my chair.

"Yes, and I am sure it will sway the jury in our favor." I stated confidently.




The carriage jostled more than I had anticipated. The pain in my back had amplified with every rock, making me feel nearly paralyzed. Robert was concerned, as was my father, but I would not let them stop the carriage. We were nearly in London, and I would rest then.

"Abby, please, we can stop the carriage. Just for an hour, you and Louisa could catch your breath." Robert pleaded, pressing his hand against my stomach.

"No. We're nearly there. We cannot stop." I moaned as I leaned my head against the carriage. Robert huffed as he tried to ease my discomfort. Louisa, who must have been equally as uncomfortable, took my hand and held it tight.

"You're very brave, Abby." She murmured. "I know Victor will appreciate your coming in the end. He will not want to go through this alone." I nodded as I turned my head towards Louisa.

"Thank you, Louisa." I murmured. "I hope my son will fall in love with your daughter." I took our hands and pressed them to her stomach.

"I'd like that very much, Abby." Louisa smiled at me. "But you have to promise to pull through for me. They'll need someone to distract their fathers and I cannot do it alone." I laughed at Louisa as Robert scoffed.

"My daughters will not marry until my eyesight is gone. And how do you two know the sexes of your children? For all you know, you'll both have daughters." Robert sat back in his seat, rubbing his temples. "Abby, we really must stop. The baby is not sitting right."

"Robert, what do you mean?" I grunted, shifting my own position. "My whole body is wrecked from the pregnancy—"

"He feels like he is sitting too low, Abby. He may be shifting into position to be birthed." Robert explained. I shook my head quickly, cupping my stomach.

I shook my head at his words. I was not ready for my son to come. I needed him to stay until I had testified. Louisa kissed my knuckles as the carriage continued to slosh. For the first time in years, I decided to pray. I prayed for Victor and my son. I prayed that all would be well in the end, that they would be able to have normal lives soon. I prayed that my son would have a traditional family. I prayed that we would endure.

We arrived in London within the hour, met by Uncle Alastar, Aunt Penelope and Uncle Keegan. After making sure Louisa was safely out of the carriage, Robert and Papa removed me from the carriage and all but carried me into Uncle Alastar's apartment. The rest of our entourage followed, like a pack of vagabonds in the street.

"You should not have come," Robert said for the umpteenth time.

"Do you want to see the birth of your own child, Robert Duvall?" I growled, leaning close to Robert as I was lowered onto a settee. "Give Victor the same chance as yourself." Papa lowered himself to the edge of the settee as Robert moved to Louisa.

"Do you think you'll be alright for the trial tomorrow, my darling?" Papa asked as he stroked the back of my hand.

"Nothing will stop me from tomorrow. Not even labor."






Hello Lovelies!

So sorry this update was severely delayed. School was so crazy in the last few weeks, and then I was working nearly full time, then I just came back from my week in France. It has been absolutely bonkers.

But, How have y'all been? Enjoying your summers? I hope so!

Lots of Love,


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