An Answer

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Aka A Tutorial to Life.

Listen up kids, this is important shit.
Like your heartbeat and breathing
You're going to need this.
It's knowledge you won't find
In textbooks or treatise.
But you'll need to keep it in mind.
Or you're dead.
In the end, you'll be spent.
Say "of course", or dissent,
But life is just like time misspent.
Hoping for hope
To take hold like ropes,
That wrap around a throat
You choke, will broke
We cycle right back over to hope.
So fuck it, but don't mope,
It's already over when you're born.
Go ahead and burn yourself,
Leave behind everyone else.
It not worth the title of humanity
It's just a word for accepted insanity
Just a load of self serving vanity,
If that's what this is then count me out.
I won't be locked out,
without a voice to shout.

You will be a monster yes,
But you have nowhere to run.
When you are out of breath
When all your words are done.
When you've screamed hoarse
All the notes are sung,
You are no more exempt
From emotion, its ubiquity.
Monster you want to be,
So you may remain.
You Howl to the same moon as us
And sing to the same sun.
So.... My love .... While you're here.
Why not have some Fun.

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