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This bus is far too crowded, for me to raise my voice
This place is shifting too fast, for me to keep my feet steady
In any way, to hold you up, the way you expected me to.
I know i said you could come to me, when things get too heady,
For you to breathe in, breathe out, my company you can go without,
But i would do anything to make sure you dont have to.

I know you have suffered enough, more than your share,
If i could, for you i would suffer the same, to understand how
To lessen what you carry everyday.
this small space im given, at the back of this crowded bus,
its not nearly enough, to tell you what you need to hear.
its not nearly enough for me to rush to your fears,
imprisoned by this microphone next to my ear.

there are no soft corners here, to hide in so i can speak my mind,
even though im looking for some way to talk over your tears,
words that wont offend, strangers around me are what i fail to find.
all i would need to be your friend, a voice, some space to spend,
without this jostling crowd, their questioning eyes, drowning me
just as your terrors drown you, i cant stand any more that you in the end.

in desperation, im clawing for anything to help us stand
this rumbling machine, underfoot. this awful crowd around here,
its chaining my tongue, to nothing but a whisper. time at hand
id to scream to you, your name, to remind you of how brave you really are.

if i had more space than this measly corner in the din,
if i had more words than this whisper in the wind,
if i could speak over your shouting fears,
if i could hear your voice in spite of your tears,
i would scream to you, your name, to remind you of how brave you really are.

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