Queen of Pieces

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The Queen of Pieces
descends upon me in strange places.
Between rotting streets and festering diseases.
I'll spot her suddenly,
The defiantly beautiful graffiti
Screaming its colors and vibrancy
"I will not be made cold.
I will love this land, unlovable."

The Queen of Pieces
Descends upon me, in quiet phrases.
Behold the magus it is,
Takes control of my unwilling fists.
Clenching them, instead around a pen
"Write, for in silence you will die
Taunt freedom like a spider's web to a fly"

The Queen of Pieces is far away
Yet her voice echoed to this day
"You can't learn to be strong,
Till you have cried.
You can't live a little,
Till you have died.
Till you love what is unlovable,
To be whole you can't try"

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