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Theres nothing interesting about the moon.
There's always something new to see.
The overseer of everything,
Isn't where attention aught to be.
But you can go where none have before,
Through shades of reason and unseen doors.
You climb a rainbow to see the stars,
And your voices ring in my ears, from afar.

Your words took me by collar,
Threw my mind against a wall.
The rooftop beckoned
A frightful clamour,
There's nothing left to be said at all.

What a strange kind of fiction
The phases of addiction,
I know them by sight,
I pass through them in a blink of an eye.
And I run away delirious, looking to grasp,
A figment of past, a memory at last.
You call me to see the sky, and I comply
Though I know not why,
I will find nothing there.
But then,

Your voice took me by the heart,
Casually pulled by ennui apart.
Your company beckoned,
Heartbeat quickened,
I couldn't think, your words I acted upon. 

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