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This rumbling bus is too crowded,
But not quite enough to stifle.
My words desperately cast, inward
The microphone next to my ear.
I said, don't you dare be afraid,
I said, don't I dare be, overheard
If the thoughts in you head,
Are enough to get you scared
Enough to pick up, and call.

So if you're in pieces,
I promised to shore you up again.
So if you're in pieces,
I'll remind you to feel as brave as you are.

I can't quite hear you it's all fading,
Your failing sobs I can't drown out this time.
I'm claustrophobic in waiting
Terrified of being silenced by the din.
The rumblings of this machine,
Won't be enough to mask my scream
As I would please, tell you to breathe, Easy.
I whisper, I'm present in your agony,
I whisper, is my phone messed up can you hear me ?

This time you're in pieces,
You said my voice should calm you down.
This time you're in pieces,
I can't speak loud enough to be around.
For you.

I wish I could speak,
Where no one could see me.
I wish I were somewhere,
No one would be staring,
So your tears won't be wasted
On a bus, full of strangers,

So if you're in pieces,
I promised to shore you up again.
So if you're in pieces,
I'll remind you to feel as brave as you are.

Written in honor of the lady on the S9 who was desperately trying to be there for a friend on the phone who was having an attack, and failing due to the crowded bus.
Whoever you are, you are a beautiful human being. I hope your friend is okay.

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