Graphic Reprise

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I recently read about Graphic Reprise. 
In a thread where concept and art theory arise,
And I asked why, a picture would need to repeat itself. 
They told me, look closely, you'll see for yourself. 
They told me, if a picture is a thousand words, 
How many screams would an ouroboros rehearse. 
So I silently though, if given a choice to sit tight, 
Forever on a piece of paper, outlined in graphite, 
The millions of things I would like to say again and again.

Like every great painter, who used the same colors,
For a set of two instead of going solo. 
I will tell you what will happen to your pen,
When you leave it lying at the back of your table for long enough. 
It will sit there gathering dust, but before it can rust. 
It will vie for your attention again. 
And like a great painter, painting two birds in place of one. 
Or two layers instead of being done with one. 
It will find a way to open your heart.
To colors, shapes and your dearest art. 

Like Graphic Reprise, you'll find your eyes, 
Darting here and there, as your hands fly, 
Across a paper, once again.
Creating again, with an intent that you once thought was dead.

At The Corner Of My EyeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora