The Castle called Nada

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Life is a song, with a refrain and chorus,
First come the giggle of the invisible.
Then the laughter from the homeless' homes.
Creaking, along with the pillars of a young household.
A toast to the second hand lives we have sold.

The music is strong, it could never fade,
Itching to write the memories to be made.
With wide smiles and masks askew,
Set out on the world anew.
A motley band of birds of a feather,
By our invisibility, to each other, tethered.

Now we have a home what have we to fear
Surrounded by something to hold dear,
There were no cracks to fall through,
None would say they don't see you.
For we as we are, are a fortress of brothers
We have everything, and nothing but each other.

Oh what would you do when
you have nothing to say,
The three jackdaws circle their prey.
When the crown begins to rust
And promises turn grey,
What would you say.

Someone didn't do as they're told.
Someone's left their mask at home.
Someone suddenly wants to be seen.
Someone's having orphan dreams.
Someone's been hurting one of us,
And the cracks are starting to show.
There's no two ways about it,
Someone's gotta go.

Here I stand, a pillar without a castle.
My cracks, exposed to the world.
Oh poor thing, everyone cries.
I sneer and bigger my time

Off course they'll see me, when I'm about to die.

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