Dont Worry about Me

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Hold, me a foot above the ground,
Find my mind splayed all around us.
Floating off to spaces
Just because we're breathless
Waiting on a train that's never coming in.

Tell me how it ends, tell me everything
Do you believe things could be different
Racing out of bitternes behind me
Away from us, we suffer silently.

Don't worry I'll be all right.
I'll cry about the moon being in the night sky.
Don't worry your pretty head
If a month is all we have let things be left unsaid.

Cursed by the cigarettes, high above the waiting hours,
Falling in together as we fall apart and fall apart.
Running out of time, between all three
Of us, of you and you and me.

Now you're far away I can't hear you breathe
Only graffiti and the sound of wheels
To stave off the lonely
Night ahead, breath is spent,
On breathing in the fumes again,
So maybe they can take me back to the nights we met.

Don't worry I'll be just fine,
Do you wonder if my knuckles are petrified ?
Don't worry I'll walk the miles,
Unite us again under a hazy sky.

Don't worry it's all okay.
I'm scared you'll call me ...
nothing but a memory.

Don't worry about me,
He's only off his game a bit, he won't mind and he won't quit.
Don't worry about me.
She's only so far away, she can see me only in a day.

Don't worry about me.
All I need is three.
And a second chance at serenity.

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