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When I looked at my cupboard,
I found a wonderful view.
Bright colored shirt and jackets
Marked me as the lucky few.
My hands and legs only outfitted,
My mind left to stew.
In the last stray thread, pullover
Ahead, it's easy to unravel me through.

The last pair of jeans,
My father left for me,
Relics of a time long aged.

Past, perfect, pristine,
Untouchable but unclean,
Look at me I'm faded.

I opened my computer the other day.
Mashing away at keys
Creating nothing with hands of clay,
I found myself staring at someone else.
In the BSOD that is my empty head.
Videogames and loneliness,
Keep me from thinking for myself.

The last click awaiting,
Asking to see the homescreen
Something my father taught me.

Look at these worlds,
These lives not my own,
Fantasies shown

To me, don't you see.
Hiding behind a screen,
Or 1200 miles, unseen.
Just another dream,

At The Corner Of My EyeDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora