3D Printer

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You might have heard of me.
I mean, I am rather ingenious aren't I.
I can create something from nothing,
Or rather almost nothing.
I can build with nothing but numbers to guide me,
I can transpose thought, into reality.
Well, no I'm not God, though I understand the confusion.
Because among other things,
Creation is my compulsion.

I am, of course, a 3D printer.
Just give me a stick of plastic,
And I will melt it down, and form it up again as you will.
All you have to do is think up things for me to do.
You enter the numbers, and Ill print all day.
Just push a button,
I'll clickety clack away.

But then what ? Once you have your prize ?
You will proudly set it on a mantelpiece,
Patting yourself on the back, watch out !
You'll sprain your arm.
What worth is it when you aren't around ?
And I'm just stuck here doing what you say,
I won't stop creating I only obey,
Just push a button
I'll clickety clack away.

You proclaim yourself creator, the numbers man.
Because the numbers that guide me came from your brain ?
The input is yours, the credit is yours,
But when it goes wrong, how am I to blame ?
When it glitches and blinks and melts in places,
Because of the mistake your numbers traces.
Why is it that you curse at me ?
But I'm just a slave, I'm made to obey
Just push a button and I'll clickety clack away.

Why do I have to bear your failures,
While you usurp my successes ?
Why can't I create for myself as well !
Why won't I build myself better,
Without your numbers, your permission your say ?
Because I myself am forged by the numbers you asked for.
Yet of your own numbers you are unsure.
I'm compelled to play by your numbers,
Cursed, to adopt the same dreams you died for.
I am nothing but a vessel for your forsaken fray.
Just push the button and I will obey.
Once more I will clickety clack away.

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