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I walked, my lifes worst,
Judging by deception the fools worth.
I cursed at those who would be hollowed
By their greed
Shed, the ashes that would fail us,
Meant for worthless thrones,
and a revenge mapped by a fallen God.

My watchful wake will end at the end of time,
I've been unbreakable but not, by design.

Devious and willing I will claw and cave,
Face the graves of everything you'd though you'd laid to rest.
Not demons or monster but you are your own first and last test.
Untill I find where the world will cease,
On the rubbish I will stand and finally be free.

I rest, my watchful eye, on haven for the damned and bloody pride.
I judge for those who would think to try,
Your soul isn't worth burning, if your journey is a lie.

My watchful wake will end at the end of time,
I've been unbreakable, but not by design. 

Hello mysterious reader !
This is somewhat inspired off of Patches the Hyena. A staple character of the Dark Souls series. He's famous for luring a player with lots of gemstones and items and tossing the player down a well. If the player survives, he sells items for cheap.
I loved the implication in his final incarnation in Dark Souls 3 that he does what he does not out of spite but out of a hatred for false greedy heroes. And he carries out his function even till the end of time itself.

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