Vitamin A

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The word Transfixing,
Means something that will arrest your attention.

But what is Transfixing in itself will never be still,
Nothing can constrain the one who arrests !
On many things its flitters and frets,
But none of it can hold its gaze.
At least for not more than a moment,
But within that heartbeat it can leave an imprint,
Like sci fi lazers, it carves itself.
Into the walls of the retina, or rather through them,
Into the lazy back of the head, that was fortunate,
Enough to have caught the flicker of those twin batteries of vitamin A.

The word Transfixing,
Means something that will arrest your attention.

These orbs are much more than just organs of vision,
They're windows to a soul so bright,
Ones own will be eclipsed by that blinding light
Till one finds oneself laughing in orphan joy.
Laughing, but no sound escapes ones lips,
They're busy being unable to articulate speech.
One's memory banks are trying to fill,
It's terrabytes to the brim
So that one can accurately recall
Every little speck of green
In the brown of those pupils.
And the inordinate Kohl that lines them,
Seeming like islands one will be stranded on, in a sea of ink,
The ink one finds oneself wasting, trying to arrest,
The Transfixing gaze.

The word Transfixing,
Means something that will arrest your attention.

For longer than one has paid it in a room,
Or stood it on a field, these are,
Opthalmic opiates, making one drunk,
On them, enough to stand up and,
A thought, that goes somewhat,
like so :

"I may forget Macbeth. But I'll never forget those eyes."

Thank you for reading !!!
Last year it was Hands, this year it's eyes. Such progress, much wow. No, they aren't the same person. Thank heavens. Yes, they carry the same sentiment. Pulling another Jack from Titanic here.

Also, last line is a reference to a theatre production, hence Macbeth. If anyone was wondering where that came from.

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