Chapter Two- More Than Aster

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Dick's POV

Since I got into the "Magical" motorcycle I had two naps and I played I Spy like fifty time by myself ( my life is sad). But to my surprise we were there in like 2 hours and "there" was flippin LONDON. Magical is all I have to say. But when we landed we went inside this one restaurant which I don't remember the name to and me and captain went into the back and opened a door to an alley. An alley that stops right in front of a brick wall. This is where Captain was to suppose to take me!?

" Where are we and why are we in an alley?"

"London and you will see."

"One ,duh, and two are you magical?"



Then suddenly, I didn't know if he was using his "Planet Powers" or what but the brick wall in the alley way started to open (I swore I saw this in a movie once). Then I was opened up to a brand new world which I was more than speech less about. "More than aster" I mouthed. Then I questioned something.

"Hold up Batman isn't a wizard, so why am I..."

"How do you know this place is for wizards?"

"One I can see two kids playing with magic and two you didn't deny the fact this place was for wizards, now answer my question."

"Alright, gez, well some people's great ancestors in medieval times could have been wizards/witches and now the new generation can become what their ancestors made them to be." Captain said weirdly like he was telling me something I didn't know. So I will figure it out the way the Bats taught me to do it...though interrogation.

As were walking through the alley, I wanted to know what was bothering him I can see it in the sweat on his forehead, the worried expression on his face.

"Okay, spill the beans what do I not know?"


"I am a detective, I can see on your face."

"I don't have anything to share."

I stopped right in front of him in hoping I can get the answers straight on.

"Captain Marvel, what is Bats, Alfred, even you, not telling me?"

He stopped looked up and then he started to speck slowly like there was going to be a long story he would have to tell me and he was not going to enjoy it.

"So, you where about three when your parents died right?"


"Okay, the night when Batman came and adopt you was also the night he found something out as well."


"Your parents were secretly wizards/witches and they escaped the life and became acrobats or muggles."

I gasped, and looked at the ground and tried hard to NOT remember the night of my parents murder. But I looked up at Captain and smiled.

"It's still my birthday and I don't need to depressed but promise me if I ready to hear the rest of the story, you will tell me."

"Will do."

Then Captain points to Gringotts Bank and leads me there, which I am only assuming that I am getting money. When I entered I saw goblins everywhere. I didn't much freak me out because, well I freakin live in Gotham and goblins aren't much of a surprise.

"Dick Grayson's bank please." captain said to the tired looking goblin. Then the goblin got off of his pillar and took us to a miner cart like vehicle, and then we drove of to my bank, number 38. What I was thinking was that I would be broke, but really Batman seemed to help out a lot with the money, by giving me a TON of this wizard currency. Then captain said "you think the Bats will let you go broke in the wizarding world." I thought maybe this couldn't be that bad of an experience.

Then we hit Ollivanders for a wand. Which didn't take too long. It only took like four other wands in order find my wand! When Ollivander came out with the fifth wand I gasped with amazement. Even though it was simple it was also gorgeous. It was a dark brown that fades into a lighter brown with a golden brown handle. I knew it was THE wand. So after the captain and I thanked ollivander and left and went on our way to buy my robes and my owl. Captain told me it would help out with communication. Probably it will help me tape together my past. Who knows?

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