Chapter Twelve-Go Time

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Artemis POV

      Today was the day where every girl goes..crazy, yeah that's a good word. I never went to a ball, a dance, or heck a birthday party. So in other words I sat back and relaxed while every girl got their dresses and beauty products. If I'm pretty honest, I don't want to go to the dance. But I have to because of Cam. I HAVE to go with him. I rather go with Wally. Wait, did I actually say that. I have to go because of my father and his father's relationship. 

     But let's say I will hurt the next girl who talks about their date or the color of their dress.

      The whole house walked down to the dinning hall. I sat down behind Dick and Wally. Hoping they wouldn't notice my "annoyed at life" face. I felt a poke at my back and it was Dick.

"What do you want?" I wiped my eyes still having boogers in them.

"Hey you ready to make the potion?" I eyed Wally and he had a surprised face.  An expression that says "don't tell him that  we already did, or he will mock me forever."

"Wally and I already did." I saw Wally slapped his face within his palm.

"Oh," he looked over at Wally and then back at me. "That's fine. Just let me see the potion."

"Wally has it." I pointed at Wally while his mouth was full with a pancake bite.

"Alright, you okay about playing today?" Dick asked. Even though we were playing Hufflepuff; the easiest team to play against. I still was worried.

"Yeah." I say but don't really mean.

     Dick nods and turns back around to face Wally. Then right before I turn back around; I look back at Wally and he looks at me. But he looks at me if something is bugging him about me. My hair, robes, my dreadful eyes. I don't know. Maybe he was still annoyed I rejected him yesterday. I fully turn around and look at my plate. I push it forward and laid my head hoping this week go fast. A lot of hoping


"Alright folks that's it! Slytherin : 106 Hufflepuff: 74. Thanks to Klarion for founding the snitch." Barbra yells out.

     If Klarion found himself long ago. This game would have been done about an hour ago. Next it was Gryffindor vs. Ravenclaw. 

     I saw Dick and told him good luck and told him to tell Wally as well.

"Why don't you." He asked.

"I couldn't find him." I totally was bluffing. Then he moved his back so I could see.

"Found him." he said. I then walked over to Wally while he was putting on his knee pads.

     I didn't know what to say. I looked down and he looked up. There was a lot of tension between us and I didn't want to make it worse.

"Hey, what's up." He said without even looking up at me.

"Nothing,  I just wanted to say good luck." We stared at each other for another 30 seconds , and as I began to leave.

"Hey Artemis." I saw there was no one here anymore and I turned around to see what the redhead wanted. "I just to make sure if we are okay. Like I said, I was dared-"

"I understand, and yes it was awkward. But it was in the past and the past is behind us. And to answer your question; yes, we are okay." We both smiled and I left to go change out of my uniform, and sit with my house for the game.


     I finished my dinner early, so I got up and left (they seriously need a better security system). I got to the girls room, and looked on my bed to find a dress. The dress was a long emerald green maxi dress, with a long statement necklace and bracelet, green high heels with a leave design on the heel and a note. I picked up the note and it said.

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