Chapter Eleven- Yule What?

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Wally's POV

    One week, isn't enough time for Klarion to be sorry with his mistakes. Not at all. Now he is back and I want is to punch his demonic face off. I sometimes wish I was as strong as-.

"Dude wake up, class started !!" Artemis shouted through her teeth. I could tell she had to wake up Dick too because of his purple circles. 

     I saw-once I wasn't as groggy eyed- Klarion laughing with his friends and acting like he never left the school and his studies for a week. The crazy thing is, he stayed in Hogwarts, but I'm guessing suspension is more like seclusion. And the seclusion is staying in Dumbledore's office and do homework, well, that is what people thought. All I hope is that he isn't allowed on the qudditch team again. One can only tolerate a demon for so long.

     Mcgonagall came in and wave her wand around trying to get the classes attention. "Welcome back to Transfiguration, week 7 of the school year. But before we begin I have a few announcements." Then Mcgonagall said for "them" to come in. I turned my back to see what they looked like, so did everyone else.

     Every one gasped when the first man to walk. He looked familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it . The man had raven colored hair like Dick's and wore glasses and had a a scar on his forehead. Then another gasped came into the room. A couple holding hands walked in, the women had brown, shaggy, hair and brown eyes. And the other man was a red head, like me, and green eyes. While everyone was gasping, Artemis, Dick and I just looked at each other. 

"Hello, student. Before class I want to show you your chaperones...for the yule ball." Mcgonagall pointed to the three figures.  While most girls were squealing, and boys freshening their breath.

"Yule what?" I mouthed 

"Okay come down I'll let the chaperones introduce themselves." Then she moved away to let them speak.

"Hello, I'm Harry Potter and these are friends Hermione and Ron." Dick, Artemis, and I just looked confused. Not the fact the we were having famous chaperones. Maybe the fact that we were having a ball. "Like Mrs. M said we are going to watch over you guys at the ball and we can't wait to see you guys there." Harry walks away while waving.

"Okay, to transfiguration!!" Mcgonagall said with excitement.

     Once the class was done it was time for a qudditch meeting, they wanted to discuss safety procedures before dinner. Dick and I were walking to the Gryfinndor side of the qudditch tent. Did I mention these tents were outside. And outside was about 45 degrees. 

"Who are taking to the ball." Dick asked in manner if was going to ask any one. As if!

"No why, you." I asked knowing he would.

"I umm.. no." Dick said that way too stern and I knew who it would be. 

"Maybe the redheaded score keeper, Barbra." I saw he was blushing. So I got him. He then grabbed my collar and he was face so close to mine. I thought it was funny he was this defensive, so I just smirked.

"Okay, you hear me you won't tell anyone. Got it?!" He asked with his pupils so small they could be ants.

     I then yanked back and shrugged.

"Okay, good. Let's get to the tent now. I'm freezing." Dick said with an eye roll and smirk. And I followed him to the tent. The meeting wasn't terribly long, but terribly boring. I even think I fell asleep. 

     When were all dismissed. The three other teams were dismissed as well. So in other was black friday. I got caught in the crowd, but thankfully I found Artemis. 

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