Chapter Three- Good Thing I Know Math

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Dick's POV
After shopping for where I am going. Which still don't know where I am going! We went to a train station (what happened to the motorcycle). I grabbed a trolley to hold all of my items and then Captain Marvel told me that he would me there. WHAT, now I really want too know where I am going. But before I could ask he was gone. Well what train do I get on, I don't know anymore. I looked down at my ticket and noticed the platform 9 3/4. What?! Well I am going to get lost.

I looked everywhere for this platform, but while I was going around the ninth platform for the billionth time, the wheel of my trolley got stuck in a crack and I pushed it so hard that it went towards a wall. I panicked because I didn't want to pick up all of my stuff. But to my surprise it went into the wall and none of the stuff on the trolley was touched. Then I realized platform 9 3/4 "ohh, hello Dick" I said and then while no one was looking I went through the wall, because would if I saw a person go through a wall I would freak. When I got to the other side of the wall, I found my trolley and headed towards the train to give the conductor my bags and my ticket and headed inside to find my seat.

While I sitting and waiting for us to arrive I hear a ginger in distress trying to find a seat until he came to my train cabin.

"Um, is this seat taken?"

"Yes actually, I am saving it for my amazingly hot girlfriend."

"Oh, I am sorry for wasting your tim..."

"No, I was joking, sit"

"Aww, thanks man, it took me far too long to find a seat!"

"So.. Um what's your name"

"Um, Wallac- Wally West."

"Dick Grayson."

"So its your first year as well?"

"First year for what, where are we going?"

"Well, we are going to Hogwarts and they seperate us by years."

"Finally, thank you no one would tell me where I would be going, wait what's Hogwarts?"

"A wizarding school?!"

"Wait, I will be learning magic?"

"Yeah, but I rather be back in Keystone city with my uncle learning science at S.T.A.R labs, but my mom dragged me on train and HERE I AM!!"


"Sorry, I bicker a LOT!"

" No, it's cool because I fought a lot with my- um dad before I came here."

"So, I told you about me, now it's your turn."

"Well, I am Dick Grayson but you already knew that, I am from Gotham city and I am an acrobat."

"That's cool, I can't even do a front flip, so you gained an extra point with the ladies unlike me who runs."

"Oh, well that's pretty cool because I can't run a mile and make it look it cool."

Wally chuckled and then suddenly the train stopped. We both looked out the window and then I saw Captain Marvel outside of the train and I was shocked." Who's that outside?" Wally asked." He's kinda like my protector." "That's cool" he replied. Once we got of the train, I looked up and saw what I was guessing was Hogwarts.

"So I guess you made a new friend." I turned my head and I saw it was Captain Marvel

"Yeah, wait what are you doing here?" I asked

"Well you will see me in one of your classes, now catch up with your friend!" Captain said joyfully. I looked around to find Wally and I found all the way in the front. Like it was Black Friday or something and dang, he wasn't kidding when he said he can run. When I finally caught up to him I was so out of breath.

"So, what were you and your "protector" talking about?"

"How he was going to be one of our teachers." Still really out of breath.

Once we walked like about two miles, we reached the doors of Hogwarts. We walked up the stairs and found an old women in front of two grand doors

"Welcome to Hogwarts, I am professor McGonagall, I will be one of your many teachers this year, what is about to happen is that we will enter the dining hall and you will be judge into which house you will be going in, the houses are Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw. Once your placed in a house please sit at your assigned house table and begin eating dinner."

After she said we will be judge into a house I was scared because what if I am not placed into a house without my only friend this year and I don't know anything about wizardry is scary. Then again no one does, so I guess I should calm down. Once the professor opened the doors to the dinning hall, my jaw literally dropped. There was flying candles and there was an amazing smell of bread and more food I could eat in a lifetime.

"Has this school, every heard of gravity?" Wally said while walking beside me.

"You really like science, do you"

"I would marry it if I could, but I am saving the wall-man charm for a special lady.

I rolled my eyes. Then professor started to call our names to a ratty old hat. A ratty old hat will decide our fate, wieldy cool.

"Artemis Crock." The professor said. Then a blonde with long blonde hair in a ponytail started to walk up to the hat. The hat was place on her head and then the hat began to talk. To TALK!!

"A lot of past, has some"tough girl" qualities, SLYTHERIN" the hat yelled and then the blonde girl walked to the Slytherin table.

"Wally West." The professor called. Looked over at Wally and looked like he was traumatized with fear. But like everybody else, he went up there and hat was placed on his head and then he was judged

"Ah loves science, but has some bravery within him, so Gryffindor!!" The hat yelled and then Wally went to go sit down. The professor began to say another name

"Klarion." Then the boy went up there and the hat already knew what house he was going to be in

"Does dark magic, very mysterious, Slytherin!" The boy sat down at the Slytherin table and began eating.

There were a ton more names before mine, like a girl named Megan, and two boys named Conner and Kaldur. But those were the ones I can remember from the top of my head. Then my name was called.

"Dick Grayson!" Uh oh I thought to myself. I made my way to the stool and then the hat was place on my head.

"Why hello, I never meet a head like this, so much mystery but some much knowledge as well, but I see one quality greater than the rest so... Gryffindor!" The hat yelled the house I desperately wanted and some much stress was relieved off of my shoulders and I felt free. For now.

Wally welcomed me into the Gryffindor house and I can see it on his face and plate that he already chowed down. So I guess I should too. But to be completely honest I felt more at home here rather than at Gotham. So until my first class which I will probably suck at!!

A/N: So I finally finished this story which took too long. I am sorry, I have to type on a stupid tablet so it takes a while. Oh and our beloved Draco is Klarion in this story so yeah!! And if you have any recommendations for the story please put them in the comment section. Wow I feel like a youtuber saying that!!

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